Chapter 1

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Moving to another school during the last year of high school and in the second week, where the work actually becomes hard, was annoying to say the least. Having to learn a whole new lesson and having to have new teachers who all teach differently will be hard, but, I'll pull through...hopefully. Walking along the sidewalk, my book bag jolts around slightly with every step, jostling around the notebooks inside, along with some different pencil boxes filled with an assortment of different drawing supplies. Looking around, I notice another girl walking along the same path as me, and I slouch slightly, deciding to slow down slightly to not walk next to her.

Walking slower now, I look around and notice how quiet it is, other than the occasional bird chirp or leafs being blown about, it's silent. I notice the school up ahead, and the girl seems to pause, sigh, and heads in. Looking at the school, it's pretty big, and slightly intimidating, but I decide to still head in. As soon as I do, I'm greeted with a bunch of people running about, throwing balled up paper around, though some just stand and talk with each other. The girl from before walks along them like it's an everyday thing, and I decide to just follow after her. After a bit, she enters a classroom, where I catch a glance of a short haired teacher waiting in the class for the day to begin. Looking around, I notice the students begin heading into classrooms, and I sigh slight, before heading into the classroom with the short haired teacher and the girl from before.

Almost immediately, all the eyes snap to me, and I just stand there for a second, before heading over to the teacher, who looks me up and down, and her eyes seem to shake slightly, before she glances at my face, and her eyes goes back to normal "yes?" She ask, her tone sounding agitated. Looking back at the class, I notice they're still staring at me, which causes me to turn back to the teacher, before I answer her "I'm new here, I...don't know where to go to get a schedule." She hums slightly, before she uses her...why the fuck does she have a paper cutter for an arm?! Shouldn't- "hey! Stop standing there, head to miss circles class, she's the one right next to this one, now go." She states, interrupting me from my thoughts, and once again pointing her paper cutter at the door, I nod quickly, and walk out of the classroom.

Looking to where the teacher said, I go to the closed door of the classroom, and knock on it, causing the voice inside to pause, before footsteps come up to the door, a woman...a very, very tall woman opens the door, and tilts her head at me "yes?" She asks, I have to tilt back slightly to look up at her, but when I do, I speak to her "I'm, new here, I don't know where to go to get my schedule." I repeat what I said to the teacher from before, and "miss circle" nods, then she heads back into the room, gesturing for me to follow her...which is when I notice the pencil she has had for a arm, along with what looks like a eraser, though it has a little slit, like something could poke out of it. Following her, she gets back behind her desk, before her eyes flicker to the lone boy in the class, and then they flick back down to her desk. "Name?" She asks suddenly, I pause, before answering "(Y/n)" I state, she nods slightly, before digging around in her desk, she then hums slightly, before pulling out a paper that has a bunch of sticky notes on it, I notice some say something about Oreos, though most just state a date, one sticks out, it having my name on it, and my old school name.

She then takes the sticky note off, and looks closer at it, squinting her eyes, she then smiles slightly, though it's more like a smirk. "Here you go, you'll stay with me for the first bit, then you'll head to miss Emily's, black haired girl with glasses, she teaches engineering, then you'll head to miss grace, who is temporarily teaching art, she's the principal of school normally. Then you'll head to miss bloomie, short haired girl, decently short as well, who teaches science, and then you'll go to lunch with her as well. Then you'll head to miss thavel, who has abc blocks on her head, she teaches languages. After that, you'll have a free period before school ends, understand?" Nodding slightly, she hands me a piece of paper, which has the room numbers on it, and the teachers name, I notice miss bloomie is the one that I first saw, while the other three I don't know, but I'm excited to meet miss grace, since she's art. Miss circle then gestures towards one of the empty tables, and says "you can sit, I have to talk to someone who failed a test." I nod slightly, and sit at one of the far tables, away from the boy and miss circle so I don't disturb them. I take out my notebook, and start to draw little doodles, though I glance up when I hear something slam into a desk, I see miss circle had slammed her penciled arm onto the desk, and the boy cowers slightly, the eraser on her arm, or what I thought was a eraser, produces a sharp blade, and miss circle grins at the boy, who in turn yells slightly, flinching, before running out into the hall. Deciding that, yes, I'd like to live today, I just stay in my seat, though not long after, a girl peaks into the classroom, three blocks hanging on her head, and she glances around, grimacing at the broken desk, before her eyes flicker to me, and her frown turns into a slight smirk. "Well, hello, since circle isn't in here, nor is Abbie, I'll presume your the new one she told me about?" Nodding slightly, the girl, who I guess is Thavel from what miss circle told me. Thavel walks into the room, and lazily sits on the chair that was left unharmed during miss circles rage against the failing student. She then spins around in it slightly, and just sits there. Going back to drawing, I decide to try and draw Thavel, who has now stop spinning, and is now just laying her chin on her large claw. Looking back at her, then my drawing, she glances at me, but doesn't say anything, just watches. After about forty five minutes, I finish the drawing, and glance at the finished piece and Thavel, making sure there aren't any big mistakes. Though noticing I'm done, Thavel gets up, and stands behind me, leaning over my shoulder, her clawed hand laying on my shoulder, and I just stay still, feeling my heart start to beat out of my chest due to nervousness.

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