Chapter 3

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(Ao3 notes-Hello again! I wanted to thank you all for the kudos and kind comments! :D hopefully you all enjoy this chapter, and also, here is the updated list of Yanderes for you all! Also, question for you all at the end notes!)

Yanderes-Romantic-Miss Circle, Miss Bloomie, Miss Thavel, Miss Grace, Mister Demi, Miss Sasha, Oliver, Alice, and miss circles brother, Mister triangle?(who will not be doing anything with Miss Circle, I will never write anything incestous). Platonic-Claire, Engel, Abbie, and Lana. Unknown/not decided yet(this was not on the old list, but I decided that I might make the list of characters whose names we know yanderes.) most likely platonic-Bubble,Robby,Cubbie, Petunia, Riley, and Kevin. Most likely Romantic if not under aged/younger than 18-Skell, Lizzy, and Ruby. (Also might make zip and Edward romantic if they are as old as Oliver/older)

Opening my eyes, I yawn, and decide to just stare up at the ceiling for a minute, my eyes slightly closing again, before I decide to finally get up, making sure to fix my covers at least somewhat before I decide to go and brush my teeth. looking the mirror again, i notice the slight bags I have under my eyes, and tilt my head. Why does it look like I haven't slept-oh, yeah, the throwing up and retching...probably what caused this. Sighing slightly, I again feel myself get sick when I think of what happened to those students, though there's nothing I could do for them, I could try and help the others, or maybe I could talk to the teachers? No, that'll probably just get them to kill me instead, or at least the three will, the others will probably just say they'll try, but in reality they won't do anything...they'll let these children die all because what? They failed?

Shaking my head slightly, I sigh, and decide to try and get it out of my mind, picking up my toothbrush, I brush my teeth, and gag slightly when I feel the taste of bile on my tongue. Brushing hard, I get the taste somewhat out of my mouth, and spit out the toothpaste, rinsing afterwards. Looking back at myself in the mirror, I see nothing different, and decide to leave the room. Quickly grabbing my notebook, I take some notes on Venus, while I make sure to include all the things miss bloomie needed. After getting done, I look at my nightstand, and remember the mysterious gift that someone gave me. Smiling wide, I pick up the money, and put it into my pocket, while picking up the necklace, and carefully putting it around my neck. Humming slightly, I make sure to pick up all of the things I'll need for school, then head out to the store.

After walking out of my apartment, I hurry down the stairs, and start to walk along the sidewalk, making sure Venus doesn't not slip from my hands. after I make sure I have a good grip on all of my things, I start to walk a little faster, trying to get to the store so I can get my bookbag, and maybe a snack or two if I have the money. Once I reach the store, I walk through the sliding doors, and start to look around for a bookbag.

While I walk along the aisles, I notice that the stuff here is...expensive, to say the least, I almost give up hope for affording a bookbag, before I spot one. I smile wide, and start to speed walk towards it, and when I notice the price, my smile widens when I notice it's only Ten dollars. Picking it up, I balance my things on one hand, and slowly start to take it to the register. After I set it down, the cashier scans it, and once they finish, I hand them the ten dollars, plus the two dollars needed for tax. Heading out of the store, a smile on my face, I stuff my notebook, and zip it closed, slinging it around my shoulders and onto my back, I make sure to adjust my grip on Venus, making sure not to drop them, before I start to head to the school.

After walking for a bit, I then realize that, once again, I'm early. Sighing slightly, I go to the double doors, and push slightly...and they are locked, great, turning around, I go to walk and do something else, but I bump face first into someone's chest. Making sure to steady my grip on Venus, I look up at who I bumped into, and see Miss Grace, she stares down at me slightly, before gently moving me out of the way, and unlocking the double doors, which she then opens for me, I smile slightly, and nod at her, then head inside. When Miss Grace follows, and starts to head to her office, I decide to go to my class, which would be Miss Circles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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