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Virginia's nice, but a bit rocky; The hatchet boy decides while watching Tim scroll on his phone.

Toby leans into the passenger side window, grasping a cigarette from Tim's pack of Marbolos. "You keep the girls in the house until we get back, you hear?" Tim directs, looking Toby in the eye. 

Brian taps his thumb against the steering wheel, the hum of the engine fuels his impatience. "What's even gonna happen? Y/n already got marked." The curly haired brunette roles his eyes, pulling out a lighter of his own to light his cigarette. Taking in a drag, he then lets it out in Tim's face.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know that." Brian buds in to the conversation.

Toby squints at Brian. "Do you not remember when you two got into a fight and you literally told her she's a proxy? You must think she has shit for brains, dude. Y/N fuckin knows." Tim rolls his eyes, leaning forward to get rid of his ash. 

Although the brunette blocks Brian's view of Toby, he still stares. "There is no need to talk to me like I'm stupid, Toby. Why do you think she was so tired that night? Tim put brevital in her soup. So, she fuckin' forgot, dude." Impatience causes irritation, in Brian's case.

"But please, keep an eye on Katelyn. Kate's more reckless. She's slipping into another psychosis." Tim looks down on his phone, the route to the abandoned Mary's Hospital about two hours away. The last hospital Rogue was checked into.

Toby just shakes his head with a sigh, and steps away from the truck. "Yeah, okay." 

The breeze soothes, and pushes past the truck and dances with a few branches before passing into the open window to the cabin. You shiver at the sudden temperature change, and look up from your book to see Kate dragging a pencil along a full page in a note book. 

Her hair dangles down, her wrists are open and the whites lines are clean. 

You chug, mixing the throw up and vodka in your mouth. Kate tares it from your hands, and presses the glass tip to her own lips. The park is empty and dark, phone's on do not disturb with several calls from mom and dad's. 

"H-hey!" Your eyes are half open, your body vibrates. Kate pushes you away, leaning against the beginning of the slide. The pink liquid trails down her chin as she lets the bottle hang in her hands, almost gone. 

You don't bother, and just let your hand relax back into your lap. Your shirt is to tight and your shorts are to short. Makeup smudged and hair undone. Her shirt torn at the shoulder, her jeans cuffed on one leg and down on the other. Mascara drained and hair frizzed.

Kate's eyes are dark, or maybe it's just the night. She licks her lips, leveling her eyes on you. "I could eat you, and no one would find you, 'Cause you'd be in me." You don't sober up at this statement, you just blush. "Bones and all..." She sighs.

"I sometimes cut myself, and lick the scars." You follow her gaze, down onto her bare arms. Your heart skips a beat, you feel as if you will vomit again. 

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