Accidental groping

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"Thanks" I mumble to the young guy who worked at Starbucks. The entire time I was waiting for my drink he kept on staring at me, I had started to think there was something like written on my forehead. I glanced down at my iced chai tea latte and the number written across the side of the cup explained it all. I sighed heavily tired of the attention. Since the boys are just on another European tour we are currently in Vienna Austria. As soon as news got out that I was friends with the boys, thanks to all there stupid tweets including me, I had almost become famous myself. It was weird the guys kept telling me to watch what I do when I go out and random people keep asking me for pictures and telling me that they ship me and Liam. Speaking of Liam I'm avoiding him. Maybe if he doesn't see me he will unfall in love with me, and I have to say space away from him will help me as well. At first I denied that Naill and him had been talking about me but there really is no way around it so now I am accepting it but avoiding it. Harry keeps hitting on me, like he does with everyone. Zayn seems to be upset with me, or maybe just doesn't know what to say. Louis is Louis. Finally Naill found out about the cuts so what that leaves 2 left who don't know, wow I didn't tell anyone 2 years and suddenly I can't keep my mouth shut. Oh and josh, yeah he's been good, a few days ago we were at a venue he snapped telling me I fuck everything up and he threw a plate at the wall, all because I forgot his lucky drum stick in the bus, but still we are good. So two weeks, and this is my update, I know exciting stuff.

"I really don't understand why you drink that so much" Naill inquires as he begins walking along with me as soon as I exit the little Starbucks.

"I still don't understand why you can't shut up" I sip my drink and Naill grabs it from me as I swallow.

"What the hell" I ask my mouth felt empty without the straw that was just ripped from it.

"Did the guy seriously write his number" Naill chuckled staring at it before taking out his phone. He stopped walking as he looked at the cup and then began typing on his phone, after about 30 seconds he slid his phone back in his pocket and handed me my drink. At first I thought he took a picture and sent it to josh which kind of scared me because josh is very into the idea of him owning me, meaning no one else can hit on me, and if they do it's my fault.

"What just happened" I ask wondering if I really want to know.

"Check twitter" I slid my phone out of the back pocket of my skinny black jeans and see I have a notification. It was a tweet of nails, yes I do get alerts when the boys tweet because Louis turned it on and I don't know how to turn it off which all of the boys think is just hilarious so they refuse to help me.

"Oh you tweeted the pour boys number" I felt sympathy for this guy but the more I thought about it the luckier he seemed. I mean what guy wouldn't want thousands or maybe more girls calling him.

"Oh shut up its funny" I roll my eyes but he was right so I couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

"So what's the plan for today" I ask finishing up my drink, I swear I inhale these things. I think my record is 30 seconds for a large.

"I was thinking we would go to the lunch with Liam because he is bored and lonely and then hit a club because I'm in the mood for some random drunk sex" Naill tells me his plans.

"So basically I'm your shofar" I ask. Since I was the one in the relationship the boys would always ask me to drive them to clubs and stuff because I wouldn't get too drunk because when I get drunk I get slutty.

"Pretty much. So lunch is at 2" he nods his head and I roll my eyes once again.

"Why so late?" I ask, and then look down at my phone to see it was already 12 answering my own question. Wow I need to start waking up earlier. I didn't really want to go because like I said I'm trying to avoid Liam and he stupid perfect brown eyes and his soft hair and his toned body and his deep laugh and - oh my god I need help.

"So why are you avoiding Liam" Naill inquired poking my side as if we were 9 and he was asking me who I had a crush on, which isn't Liam.

"I'm not" I lie defending myself, my voice went a little higher then usual and I think Naill picked it up because he looked at me a raised an eyebrow.

"Come on he walks into a room and you walk out, everyone can see it, like what happened with you too" his Irish accent was strong as he continued to push on. I ignored him and continued to walk straight forward.

"Alice, you can tell me anything really, I'm right here and I'm real and I care" he stopped but didn't look at me instead just stood there staring directly towards the sun

"Really its nothing, I mean, he just isn't my favorite person right now" I mumble before looking at him making sure he knew I was done with this topic.

"Fine, you know I'll figure out eventually" and he was right he probably would since I was never one who was good at keeping secrets.

"I hate you, I hope you know that" I mumble as we finally reach the tour bus. Ugh I hate walking everywhere.

"Oh shut up walking is good for you" what. I really need to stop saying things allowed.

"Liammmmmmmmmm. Getttt readyyyyyyyy" Naill screamed when he stepped through the tour bus door.

"God you're annoying" I heard Liam mumble and then there was a lot of shifting around before he came to the front of the bus without a shirt on. Unf.

"all the Niam fans will be disappointed to hear that" Naill grumbles as I laugh, I had figured out the whole shipping thing about a week after I meet the boys, every now and then even I start to think Larry is real.

"Oh get over here" Liam chuckled and the two boys hugged. I quickly snapped a picture; know that I could use this later.

"oh just get married already" I grin walking past to throw my empty cup in the trash can and to my bunk closing the curtain so I could slip on a better club shirt. Hey even if I wasn't going to be dancing or drinking too much I still had to fit in.

"Alice" I heard my name and then a couple of events happened. As my shirt was off the curtain slid back revealing Liam. In this motion Liam had somehow accidently grabbed my boob, which was later explained because he was trying to reach for a shirt I had borrowed from him? I jumped up on impulse banging my head on the way up. And just like that we stood there both shirtless and in shock

"Oh. I'm sorry" Liam mumbled but and looked down at his hand as though he had just used it to murder someone. It took me a second but as soon as I was no longer in complete shock I turned around quickly and pulled on the shirt that I had already laid out.

"I was just. You have my shirt" he pointed to my bed where his shirt that he needed so dearly was laying.

"Oh um yeah. Here" I turned around to grab it and of course as I turned and bend down my ass rubbed against Liam in the small place cramped in. he stepped up against the wall as I turned back around handing him his stupid shirt.

"Thanks" he said lifting it slightly before simpering off. Dear god lunch is going to be awkward.

*(guess super long but somewhat boring chapter okay well i wrote the next chapter and its short but omg its exciting okay i will update tomorrow but only if i reach 200 reads so like help me get there tell you friend and followers okay well thank you so much keep reading)*

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