chapter one

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My right foot goes through the door just to be greeted with yelling once again, it shouldn't have surprised me but it does.
"What do you mean!" Oscars voice echoed down the pale blue hallway. It's like we can't all be together without arguing anymore I don't even know why!
"Don't what do you mean me Lando! You full well know what I'm talking about. He's always just here your the only one who likes him! You can ask people on the grid! They all think he's insufferable and hor-" I turn back quietly sneaking back out. Water is threatening to spill from my full eyes.

I have just had my worst race weekend, I mean Alex got my car and now my boyfriend apparently hates me? I bet Oscar does do.


I pull my hood up and place my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose, not that many people care but I would rather not have my face plastered all over twitter especially since that would lead to James knowing his actions hurt and my boyfriends knowing that I overheard them. as my thoughts begin trailing off into places I don't want it I feel a bump on my head a mumbled apology slips out of my mouth.

"Logan?" my eyes shoot up. "max? what are you doing here?" he looks at me puzzled as if I should know something. " Im off too see Oscar and Lando ... isn't that where you supposed to be going too" dread washes over me and my breaths feel painful but I agree to walk with max anyway. as we reach the door I take my key and open the hotel room where Lando and Oscar are sat as if they weren't screaming at each other not even 5 minutes ago.

"hi baby, hi max" Landos voice sounds loving, its quite off putting. "arm Logan? logaaan hiiiii are you okay?" lando starts approaching me cautiously and I step forward placing a peck on his cheek. "hi-" before I could finish speaking I was being dragged onto the sofa and uncomfortably half sat on Oscar and half on the actual chair. lando is definitely the confusing one of us.

"so Logan me, Oscar and max have been speaking and we have been wondering what you think about him joining the three of us li-" I cut him off quickly because my throat feels as if its got something stuck in it. "yeah that's fine great idea, listen I need to do something I just got a text from James ill see you later" I stand up turning around like speedily and march out the room at what im hoping is an appropriate pace. I can not believe they are leaving me for max, I can not believe he's talking to me as if he likes me I can not believe its got too this.


me and Oscar have alway been close I mean we've been dating since he won the F2 championship years ago, lando only joined at Christmas and they are both getting podiums whilst im not even driving here, my team have no faith in me. this can't get any worse. I reach into my back pocket getting my room key and letting myself in. I curl myself up into the corner and gentle sobs come out my mouth.


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