33 Things To Do at a School Dance

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1. Have a date?


3. Dance with your date throughout the whole thing.

4. If the DJ plays a really sucky song, sing a good one as loud as you can.

5. Have psycotic friends worthy of being in a mental hospital? Tell them, "Calm your pineapples."

6. Dance like a complete idiot. Let your inner psyco out.

7. Request many songs.

8. Sing the lyrics to some songs you know very badly and see if you can get people to give you dirty looks.

9. If you're allowed to have your phones out, go up to someone with a random picture of someone and say, "That's my grandpa."

10. If there are teachers there that you have for classes, ask if you had any homework.

11. Scream as loud as you can, "Party!!!!!"

12. Pretend that a drink there is alcohol and you're drunk.

13. Stand in the middle of the crowd and don't do anything.

14. Go full-blown Just Dance on a song that you have memorized from the game.

15. If you're a girl, pretend to argue with one of your friends over whose outfit is cuter.

16. Pretend that you dropped one of your contacts, even if you have glasses on.

17. Yell out random artists names. Like Picasso.

18. Try to convince someone that your name is Pablo and you are from Mars. You're name's Pablo? Chico, then.

19. Air guitar to some songs.

20. Try hitting on the DJ.

21. If it's dark and there are lights, then pretend one of the lights blinded you and act as if you've seen the Savior.

22. Stare at someone the entire time. Follow them around for extra effect.

23. Pretend your imaginary friend told you a halarious joke and fall on the floor laughing.

24. Act as if there is a fly and it won't leave you alone.

25. Pretend to be blind and/or deaf.

26. Scream weird things into the restrooms.

27. Pretend that your best friend is a complete stranger and anytime they talk to you yell, "WHO ARE YOU?!" and dramatically run away.

28. Pretend to be Cinderella.

29. Try to have a dance party in the restrooms.

30. If there is food, eat a lot of it.

31. Pretend to do very odd things with your imaginary friend.

32. Introduce your imaginary friend to the DJ and say that they like them.

33. When it's over, pretend to be on a hangeover.

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