20 Things To Do When You're Shopping

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1. Go up to someone's cart, ask them about their items, take some, and walk away casually.

2. Walk up to someone when they are in the produce senction and whisper "I touched every one of those. When you eat it, it will be like I'm touching you... on the inside" in their ear.

3. When you go to check out and the person says  "Have a nice day!" yell back at them "Oh, don't tell me what to do!"

4. Grab a random magazine, flip through the pages and gasp every once in a while to grab a reaction from the surrounding people.

5. Get a random item, walk up to a random person and ask what their opinion is on it.

6. When you find an employee, ask if the store has an employee of the month. If they say no, just walk away. If they say yes, ask them if they've ever won. Once they reply again, look at them from head to toe while going "hmmm...." and walking away suspiciously.

7. Every time you pass by a security camera, do a dance!

8. Sing the song they have over the loudspeaker.

9. Find a fedora and act like you're James Bond!

10. Stand in front of the restrooms and ask someone who passes by if they know where the restrooms are.

11. If you come across a bow and arrows playset, grab it and yell "Katniss Everdeen returned!"

12. Go to the bread isle and ask the bakers the recipe for the bread.

13. If you hear profanity from a nearby customer, cough.

14. If your store has a fish selling area, ask them if they starred in Nemo.

15. Find Germ-X or another disinfectant gel and, if it's already open, use it randomly.

16. Go to the candy isle and pretend you are the candy man.

17. When you come across the eggs, ask a nearby person when the eggs are supposed to hatch.

18. Once you reach the icecream isle, mimic an icecream truck's tune.

19. If you come across a sign that says there is a slippery spot, walk through that spot casually as if there was no sign in the first place.

20. If your store has candy machines or toy machines, stand near them and ask random people if they have a quarter.

21. Fill up a cart or basket and have family members guess how much the load of products costs.

22. Mimic someone wiping a floor clean.

23. Rearrange a shelf of soup cans.

24. If you see a display in disarray, clean it up and make it creative!

25. Arrange food items to spell out a word.

26. Hand customers coming into the store a shopping cart or basket, directing them to random places in the store.

27. Advertise the "As Seen on TV" products as if you were in a commercial.

28. Put products together that would go great when combined for a meal.

29. Get into a conversation with an employee about random topics.

30. Ask the person you are shopping with if you can purchase an arrangement of products.

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