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Profound pelagic eyes stared straight at Devin. Their pupils wide conveying shock. The child's expression read, 'This uncle had saved me?' and they just stayed glued to the bed unmoved. Devin took his time to identify this... child, he had bathed the child and already knew of the gender being male but it still felt unbelievable that he had saved...a boy.

Why did this boy appear so feminine? With such lengthy raven hair and delicate segments, even his lashes could be used as an umbrella. Devin was compelling himself not to admit that this was the most beautiful, far-fetching being he'd ever seen and the fact he'd saved the boy's life made everything better. What a mass turn of events. Who knew he would have found a stray child just the same day he'd moved into the neighborhood?

"What is your name, child?" Devin tried sounding calm and safe so he won't scare the boy away. He didn't know how to talk to children nor did he know how to entice them. Being calm and collected was the only method for now since this child might have gone through a traumatic event just before he had landed around his home.

The boy flinched when he heard Devin's voice. His little frame shrunk into the covers with his ocean eyes going doe. He looked beyond spooked which was quite discernible. A stranger had just saved him and he couldn't just decide to trust him. If communication wasn't gonna get the child to trust him, then he would go for something no child would resist. Yeah, Food.

After leaving the boy in the room, Devin surged to make some sweet hot porridge adding a red apple to the tray to lure the youngster. He went back into the room to find the boy still tucked in the covers. It's like the child had no intention of doing anything but just lazying around in bed out of fear.

"Do you want something to eat?" Again, no response was made. Devin sighed, goggling the boy as he thought of what to do. His patience was already running thin since he'd helped the boy and the only thing the boy offered was repudiation. The youngster was such a snub, so Devin decided to use his brain on the child.

"Hmm... I guess you don't like food. I'd better take you back to where you came from, that way, we'd never see each other again. Oh! If only you would take a bite from this fresh red apple, What a waste." Trying to sound tempting and pitiful to lure the youngster was his first attempt. The young lad finally moved the covers below his eyes to peek at Devin and the tray. The boy furrowed his brows as he kept analyzing the tray of food, he then looked at Devin, squeezing his brows yet again.

Just give in, boy. Devin subconsciously said. He decided to walk slowly to the door to see if the boy would stop him. He took two steps ahead, then four which turned to six, and then–...

"S-sir...I-I...you–" A crooked voice was heard in the room. Devin was already by the exit before he spun around to observe the lad. The lad stood on his two feet by the edge of the bed with his head down. Devin had given him one of his shirts to wear since his clothes were ripped and unkempt. The shirt was enough to look like a gown on the youngster.

"Hm? You want some?" Devin asked just to receive an immediate nod from the boy. The boy raised his head to look at Devin, he began fidgeting profusely, staring at the tray like it was its prey. Devin smirked when he heard a little growl from the distance, I guess snubs could suppress their pride when it came to meals.

Minutes passed before the boy finished the porridge with some drinking water on the tray. He was seated on the bed biting on his apple making sure to keep a distance from Devin. Devin on the other hand sat on one of the benches in the room, he thought it was time to finally question the boy.

"Hey kid, what is your name?" the child paused to look at Devin. A frown gently formed on his face when the question came up. Devin thought maybe the kid wasn't yet comfortable sharing such information so he chose to introduce himself first.

"Look kid, I'm not a robber okay? I also don't kidnap kids to eat them. I'm just here to make sure you're okay so I can take you back to where you came from," The kid gasped and shook his head when he heard the last part, It made Devin lift a brow. Did the kid not like his parents? Or was he running away from them? Or did the kid not want to share his name for fear that he might expose him?

"Okay, so how old are you then?" The boy looked 6 in his eyes but Devin figured the child was smart enough to be older. The boy pouted before looking around the room, scanning everywhere to make sure no one was around. He wanted to trust the man but he still wasn't sure.

"T-ten...b-but I'll be eleven in a f-few months, sir." Even though the boy's voice was a bit hard to hear, Devin caught all the words and for the first time, he knew he was getting somewhere. It was a small positive feeling but he felt like the boy wanted to trust him.

Although earlier, The kid was being so damn difficult to understand and it drove Devin crazy. He tried to keep his cool and not lash out at the kid and that definitely paid off, "You can trust me but first you have to tell me who you are so I can identify you, I can't be calling you 'child' or 'kid' all the time, you know."

"I-I... sir, please d-don't tell anyone...p-please," The boy started fidgeting, his apple long forgotten. It's like he had a stutter-tongue but it didn't sound natural. He was scared to be found out and Devin could only wonder what this poor soul must have gone through in the past. The boy made him curious, he's never been this inquisitive about someone in his entire life.

Something told him that he needed to help the child and the feeling was growing strong minute by minute. Not only did the boy start shaking again, but tears began forming in his eyes which caught Devin off guard.

"Hey...hey, relax. I promise I won't tell okay, I won't take you back so you can stop crying now," Again, he didn't know how to calm a crying child. Perhaps, he should go for a hug? But a hug would be too sudden since the kid didn't even trust him enough to tell him his name. Devin was thinking hard, gosh, women should be given awards for being mothers and successfully raising a child because who would have this much patience to understand a child?

"N-ne...ill," The boy suddenly said and Devin felt like smacking himself for not catching that. Now he had to tell the boy to repeat himself.

"I'm sorry kid, I didn't get that,"

"I-It's Noel, m-my name is Noel."

The chapters get lengthier.

To be continued...

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