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I had made my protector mad.

My mind was so focused on the book I didn't hear the front door. From his attire, he looked like he just came home to get something, his white singlet hung tight on his robust torso, skin glistening from sweat and thundering gaze goring into me. My head was down, anyone in their right sense wouldn't have the audacity to look into this man's eyes. This was the first time I felt frightened since that one event.

I made everything worse by poking my nose in his personal space. What do I even tell him?

"Answer me. Did I ever permit you to go through my things? Hm, Noel?" As he talked, his voice darkened sending shivers through my skin. The warmth that was once there vanished into thin air leaving a cold atmosphere behind.

"N-No, Sir." my throat was dry, the fear perceptible in my words.

"Then why?"

Another shiver traveled from my skin to my spine. The irritation was evident from the way he spoke, not one bit of calmness in that tone. He just stood big and intimidating, using those dark eyes to heighten the guilt I felt.

"I..." What do I even say?

My body jolted when I heard footsteps approach me, slow and steady. The steps seemed calm but the aura that followed it emitted a certain emotion, a negative one at that. I felt his presence, his boots coming into view because my head was still down. The silence felt suffocating enough, why did he have to come closer?

"On your feet while I ask you a question." I quickly stood up lowering my head even further. You know that moment when you've been caught red-handed with no escape, the shame one would feel. I'm even having a second-hand embarrassment for myself. At that moment, Devin stood directly in front of me, I fiddled with my fingers not knowing what to say with him being this close. His presence left me speechless as I tried to form words to give a reply.

"Eyes up when I talk to you," His warm breath hit my skin, his voice a bit lower than before almost sounding like a whisper. I took in a shaky breath raising my head before looking into his eyes. I gasped, those weighty eyes pinning me right on the spot, his brows were furrowed, gaze powerful enough to escalate my heart rate. It was thumping really fast, almost too fast. My eyes blinked rapidly, not able to keep up with this staring battle.

W-What is wrong with my heart?

I have to get away from him. T-This...this is dangerous.

"I-I was just c-curious, I'm sorry...I-It won't happen again, sir." The shame wouldn't leave the segments in my mind, my voice only sounded like a tiny cat scared for its life. I averted my stare to the side, not able to keep up with the hidden contest going between eyeballs. I lost.

"You're much taller now, I see. So because you've clocked another year, you think you've come of age to touch my things?" Another current of his breath hit my scruff, I could feel his eyes staring down at me. I had grown taller of course, but not as towering as my protector. I was barely reaching his collarbone, nothing near his powerful stature.

"No, sir!" I refuted the lie, it was purely out of curiosity I had touched the book, nothing else.

"So what did you read? And...see?" My protector asked, resonating with his deep throaty tone.

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