
137 7 2

We're finally getting a perspective from my baby! >_<


I should smack myself.

No, that shouldn't have happened before my eyes. I shouldn't have witnessed that, or maybe it's all my fault for not teaching him enough about the male body. First, the erotic books, and now this?

Maybe I'm overreacting. Perhaps, this shouldn't even be taken seriously, it was just an encounter of educating a clueless innocent who didn't know fully of what the body can do, the things the body could make one feel. There was no harm in helping a fellow male out.  He just needed help. 

Help. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"I-It feels weird! I don't know if I'm doing it right!"


"S-Sir! There's some...t-thinghh!"

This...is the problem. I can't fucking stop thinking about it.

The scenarios are playing with my head like a goddamn soccer ball. It wasn't just the way he sounded, but also the way he reacted, the way he...looked.

The high uneasy gasps and whimpers that sounded too feminine for my liking, the way he tried to suppress them but were helplessly turned into moans, loud moans. Sobs left his mouth when his pleasure grew, but the one sound he let out that almost made me undone was when he came. I was disgustingly curious to hear more unusual sounds from Noel.

His skin was pale, legs were thin and slender with just the right amount of flesh on them. I've never noticed it before but Jesus, he had really lovely legs.

They appeared feminine but masculine at the same time with those plunging curves leading to his hip bone. His cock had this unnatural color that looked like a real popsicle, my throat bobbed when I caught sight of it.

Noel had really long hair like a woman's. The serene black color always had a course of glowing under the sun, with the ends brushing the arc of his back with ease. The color of his eyes had this sharp sky-blue hue that expressed many emotions at the same time. Those pelagic eyes would dilate whenever he caught sight of me, the rare specimen tantalizing. I have never seen such doozy before.

I knew Noel was attractive but I hadn't given it much thought since I only saw him as someone I raised. It was only a matter of time before I sent him off to go have a life. Build something, the thought of it made me feel Noel would never want that. He's gotten so attached that he can't stand being away from me.

He's growing fast and it's getting hard to control his movements, his feelings, his desires.

Just see how this sounds. His first jerk-off was instigated by his caregiver.

I feel eerie. Am I supposed to feel eerie? I know I just convinced myself that I'm overreacting but am I?

After a miscellaneous wad of reflections outside my front door, I reversed my footing to go back inside. The sky gleamed into that 9 pm ambiance with the trees fluttering with the wind. I step back inside, taking a deep breath in to relax my nerves. The fire torches were already burning out, a sign to go to bed and let the night have its leisure.

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