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Y/N opened her eyes. She was falling. She was in an infinite void of darkness. She was the big mistake she had always wanted to be. She had wanted to destroy humanity, but that failed. She saw the clouds, the blue skies.

The wasted years, the wasted youth. It felt like the sky was falling.

She fell downwards. Past the clouds. It felt like the end of her. Her H/C hair was a mess. Her vocal cords burned from her screaming. Her head rang.

Hold your breath and count to 10. She summoned a void to catch her when she inevitably hit the ground. She was in a strange world. An elegant, old looking school. It seemed gothic in some aspects. It may have been worn down slightly, but it still was imposing. It seemed there was a... broomstick riding class...? This was weird. She had always read about mythical books.

1...2...3... It seemed people had noticed her falling. She was plummeting to the ground but there was a void to catch her. The void had turned into sand. She seemed horrified. She didn't want to plummet to her death. She didn't want to die, that was the thing she feared the most.

She managed to fly. Her E/C eyes narrowed as she slowly lowered herself to the ground. She ran. She didn't look back. She didn't want to know what was going to happen if they caught her.

Would they do the things that Otto Apocalypse did to her? She didn't want to trust them or believe their lies that were spun like a spider web.

She loathed them. Even trying to look at them or believe them was like a gun being pointed to her head or her body being torn.

She didn't EVER want to believe them. Especially not the one who was chasing her. She ran into someone. Fear filled her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2024 ⏰

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