Family Troubles: 2

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Third POV:

Vortigern backhanded Lot away and charged at Percival with his sword raised high. Bringing down his sword, Vortigern's blade was stopped by the pole of Percival's spear as he defended himself from the attack.

From behind Percival, Gawain came charging in from his fellow Knight's side with his sword set ablaze. The Knight of the Sun attempted to cut down the black dragon, only for the latter to catch Galatine's flaming blade with his free hand.

Instead of being burned, Vortigern's hand was eating away at Galatine's flames. Vortigern pulled on the sword, bringing Gawain closer to headbutt the Round Table Knight and send him staggering backwards.

With Galatine still in his grasp, Vortigern used it to send Gawain crashing into Percival and sending the two knights rolling away.

Before Vortigern can charge at the fallen knights, Lot came in swinging his sword down at him. The Black Dragon blocked with his own sword. As the two blades connected, each one created an explosion of blue and black energy from each blade that sent both wielders skidding backwards.

Gawain and Percival stood back up, taking their place besides King Lot and glaring at Vortigern. They were all ready to move again to attack the Black Dragon when they heard a voice call out to them.

"Hey, everybody!" Zack yelled from the middle of the mountain top, causing the fighting to halt and all eyes to turn to him. "I hate to break it to you all, but we came here for nothing!"

That statement caused obvious confusion amongst the others. "What do you mean? Is the weapon not here?" Gawain asked.

"Oh, it's here alright, but it's a hoax," Zack held up a glowing spear before taking hold of it with both hands and snapping it in half, causing the glow to stop. "This thing is just a normal spear with some glowing Runes on it. That's literally it."

"Hmph, so this was nothing but a ploy by those annoying fairies," Vortigern's anger was obvious from his voice. "Those tricksters shall know what it is like to lie to a Dragon."

First POV: Zack

"Yeah... fairies..." I mumbled as I walked up to Gawain, Percival, and Lot, throwing away the remains of the spear.

The one I created long ago.

I have been to every corner of the world and I always ended up making something meaningless out of sheer boredom without cleaning it up properly, so I guess this is technically karma.

"I suppose all that is left is for me to kill you vermins," Vortigern stated, the shadows around his body intensifying.

"Sorry to break it to you, but it's time for us to go," I said, pulling out Baraka.

Surprisingly, Vortigern stopped whatever he was doing and focused his gaze on me. "You... You seem... familiar... in a disgusting sense. Who are you?" He asked.

Huh, that's surprising. Considering even Morgan failed to see through the enchantments Merlin placed on the armor, that is.

Then again, Albion had a personal grudge against me rather than just hate my work in general like the other mystics, so it kind of makes sense.

"I'm the Green Knight, and I bid you goodbye," I said as I stabbed Baraka into the ground after turning it to stone.

"You-" whatever Vortigern wanted to say didn't really matter to me as I broke off the entire part of the ground me, Gawain, Percival, and Lot were standing on and sent it off the edge.

The large slap of stone we were on slid on the side of the mountain like a skateboard and I was using my sword as a steering wheel. The three behind me stabbed their own weapons down to balance themselves from falling off.

We kept sliding down the mountainside until we reached the battle at the bottom. The slap didn't top sliding and we started cutting a line across the battlefield, running over anyone who stood in our way.

"Alright, this is your stop!" I yelled, turning to Lot.

"Wha-" Lot didn't have time to understand what I was saying before kicking him off the slap into a group of his soldiers.

They'll take care of him.

Back to our ride, we kept sliding until we reached the side with Camelot's forces before I used Baraka to make the slap slow to a stop. When it did, Gawain and Percival regained their bearings quickly and we all jumped down.

"We're done here! Let's leave!" I yelled to Lancelot as we ran towards Camelot's troops.

Lancelot nodded at us before looking around at the soldiers. "All troops, FALL BACK!" He yelled as he kept fighting. Most likely buying time for the troops to escape.

Deciding to help, I turned Baraka to a mixture of fire and water before turning around and swinging it in a wide arc, sending a cloud of steam that covered the area and gave Camelot's soldiers a chance to start leaving.

Me, Gawain, and Percival were each picked up by one of the passing horsemen as the troops retreated away and left Vortigern and Lot's forces to fight each other. When we got far enough to relax, we explained what happened to Lancelot.

"I see," Lancelot nodded after taking off his helmet and strapping it to his waist. "Mother warned me that fairies are prone to such trickery. I cannot say I am completely surprised."

"Yup, fairies sure are annoying," I replied with a shrug, riding my new horse since the first one was kind of left on the mountain.

I could confess the truth about the weapon but... Why should I? Let the fairies take the blame. Its not like they're innocent beings, plus the rumours that there's a 'legendary weapon' came from them.

Which makes me wonder why they even said that. I really should look up on how fairies see me.

"I feel rather disappointed that we allowed King Lot and Vortigern to get away from us, but I suppose we could not have handled them both without help from his majesty," Gawain grunted, riding his own new horse.

"Man, you really don't get along with your dad, do you?" I asked.

That seemed to make Gawain's mood worsen judging by the glare he gained. "I stopped seeing that man as a father when he valued that witch over his own morales."

I kept quiet for a couple of seconds before speaking again. "You know... King Lot could have went for the weapon and fought me for it, but instead he decided to help you against Vortigern."

It was honestly true. King Lot did seem like he would go for the weapon, but once he saw Gawain being manhandled by Vortigern, he immediately changed course to help his son.

I was a bit skeptical when Artoria told me that King Lot was a good person, but I guess she was on to something after all.

Gawain didn't say anything in return to my statement and just kept glaring forward before whipping the reigns of his steed and speeding ahead. He obviously wasn't in a talking mood.

Man, the Pendragon family is a mess.

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