Collin's First Day

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Now, as amusing as it would be to have Collin appear as my new assistant manager without warning, I knew that was a disaster waiting to happen. So, thanks to my handy public relations team, we sent out an official notice on all social media accounts of not just my club but also my personal ones that I had hired an angel to be part of my club's staff. They made it sound like I was doing this to help continue the ongoing peace between Heaven and Hell by making it sound like I was not only in support of the peace but also open to the concept of angels and demons co-existing. Personally, I really didn't care that much about the politics of it, but I guess it must have worked since the responses weren't as bad as I thought they might be.

Most were "eh, whatever" about it so long as they could still party and drink. A few demons were pissed off and claimed that they weren't going to step into my establishment again. Whatever losers. I got plenty of bees for my hive. And, to my surprise, a couple were in massive support for it. I guess Hell is more open-minded than I thought.

No news came from my fellow Sin Lords or from Lucifer. Either they're still yet to react or thinking about how to respond. Maybe they just don't care. Regardless, nothing terrible had happened save for just some toxic posting, so I decided it was safe to go on with the show, as it were.

It's time to see if my newest employee is going to be worth it or not. It will be Collin's first official day on the floor, and I admit I am nervous. Not as much as Collin will be, but I still got jitters nonetheless. This is the first time I'm ever letting an angel not just inside my club but also as a member of my staff. The cherub has impressed me so far, and it would be a shame for him to crash and burn right out of the gate. Plus, I really don't want to deal with the headache of having an angel killed in my club, so I'm making sure security follows him around and keeps him safe. Because if Collin ends up dead, that's going to leave me a lot of paperwork, which is the bane of every Sin Lord's existence.

It's going to be a regular night with nothing special, so there will be no surprise curve balls for him to start with. However, when it comes to my parties and club nights, there are always crazy things going on. Most of it is harmless fun, but we do get the severe shitty scenarios here and there. I'm sure Collin knows what to allow and not allow since I clarified that this isn't Heaven. We're loose on rules here in Hell but still have rules.

I'm directing the waiters and waitresses where to put our starting appetizers, cocktails, and sweets while the janitors are doing one last cleaning of the floors. My bartenders just finished filling up the ice and the coolers with beer. Security is in place, and the DJ is fixing his soundboard. Collin arrives a moment later from the front door and looks nervous, but despite this, I can see he still has a bright smile.

"Well, you got here on time," I say while checking my phone. "Had no problems getting in?"

"Unless you count getting stared out by all those early bird demons on the waiting line? No," Collin replies while shrugging.

"So let's talk about our plan for the evening," I quickly state while putting my phone away. "It's a simple ordinary affair. Just the usual drinking, eating, and dancing. DJ is the only planned entertainment, from 7PM to 11:30PM, with a break from 9PM to 10PM. We're offering double shots for every single shot from 8PM to 10PM. Kitchen closes at 1AM, and the last rounds for drinks are going to be at 2PM."

"Sounds simple enough," Collin says with a nod.

"Any questions?" I ask him, and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Kinda. Do you mind if I use something to help me manage things?" Collin asks nervously.

"Like what? Your phone? A tablet?" I ask him, but instead, he pulls out some glowing holographic blue and white ball that looks like it was made in Heaven. The sphere seems almost solid yet flows in the air like water, with multiple smaller parts united around a glowing starlike core. I will not deny it. I am very interested in that; a few others nearby are also curious. It's been ages since I was in Heaven, so I'm behind on what kind of tech they have, but even I can see it's way more advanced than what we have here in Hell. "What's that?"

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