Guo Yuqi

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Guo Yuqi also known as Hannah is 5'9 in height and weighs 51kg. Hannah uses she/her pronouns and is a straight biological female. She is however, neutral towards the lgbtq+ community. "They don't really bother me, so..."

When they first scouted her, she refused as she was only in 10th grade and would rather keep her life private. Only when they offered her a higher paycheck did she accept. "Money is money, I'd rather be employed than a freelancer." 

Guo Yuqi is in 10th grade with a 10% chance of being able to skip 11th grade. After her enlistment she was given a 6% chance of the ability to skip grade 11. "The pay was worth it :')"

Hannah normally hangs out with Flora and Ema at school. Angel would regularly hang out with them during their lunch breaks. Sometimes, they'd have Sophia and Tiffany join them. "Honestly, if I were gay, I'd date Flora."

Hannah has never dated anyone nor had a crush on someone. She personally says the boys in her high school aren't hot enough. When asked if she'd date a fan.. "I'd probably choose Flora over him."

Her hobbies are, reading and badminton. When she joined the company she asked if she could just be a mc. When she realized how much public speaking there was she immediately revoked her decision and pleaded for Angel's help. Her final decision was joining dance. "I'm glad I made that decision"

"Honestly, I'm shocked that they chose me over a million other girls. I am very glad they did though. I would've still been at baseline begging Angel for her help in even just finding volunteering jobs. I don't know why I declined in the first place :'). Sometimes I don't think enough. I glad there's someone out there who can rip the cloud out of my head."

Guo Yuqi Quotes

"I think I'm high on the air in the High School." 

"Bruh, it's because band is in the morning!!!"

"I think I lost my phone for the 6th time today :')" 



- *looks dazed 90% of the time*

- *blames it on band class*

- *Finds her phone in her pocket*

- *Ema wants her to cook food for her*

- *Ema and Flora arguing over a cdrama*

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