Feng Meigui

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Feng Meigui also known as Flora is a straight biological female that uses She/Her pronouns. She is neutral towards the topic of lgbtq+. She is 5'5 and weighs 48kg. "They don't bother me, it's okay :)"

When she was asked to join, she immediately asked Hannah if she was going join. After she was notified that Hannah was going to join, she accepted the offer. "I'm not leaving my best friend here." 

Feng Meigui was given a 23% chance of skipping 11th grade, after she joined, she was given an 11% chance of skipping 11th grade. "At least AT LEAST! I am not failing."

Flora normally hangs out with Ema and Hannah during lunch. According to her, Angel didn't join them until 5 months into 10th grade. Angel apparently had another group of friends but grew distant from them. Tiffany, Elvia and Sophia came once and never sat with them ever again. She says Ixora and Yixuan never comes to sit with them due to being scared of people. "Our group is weird. Angel is probably the weirdest."

Flora has indeed had a crush on a guy at her badminton center but they didn't end up dating as according to the guy, Flora was just too innocent for him to ruin. He said, he'd rather take up someone like Ema or Elvia but Angel was too far down the rabbit hole and Flora was too far away from the hole. "Hannah says she'd rather date me than her fans... that's weird."

Flora's hobbies are, playing badminton, watching C-drama, and studying. When she joined the company, she had no idea what she was going to do. Currently, she is trying a little bit of everything and is listed as an Idol. "Angel!!! Please help me!!!"

"I'm being paid. I'm satisfied. But I don't really know what I'm doing here. I beg help from Angel and some other Idols in this building. Angel said she wants to be an idol so I just followed her. Help! I literally regret this! Angel isn't even here half of the time, since the higher ups saw her potential. She's already debuted." 

Feng Meigui's Quotes




- *When she needs help*

- *Watching a C-drama*

- *Angel sharing her life*

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