Huang Xiaoxue

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Huang Xiaoxue aka Ixora is 5'3 and weighs 43kg. Ixora is a biological straight female who uses she/her pronouns. She doesn't appreciate the lgbtq+ community but doesn't bother them either. "Personally, I don't like the community, but I'm not going out of my way to tell them so."

Huang Xiaoxue was scouted at her dance performance. Figuring this could possibly help her dance team gain popularity. What she didn't know was that, she'd be so busy she had to quit her dance team to continue her work. "*sighs* I didn't think this through"

In 10th grade Ixora was given a 64% chance of skipping grade 11 and 5% chance of skipping grade 12. After she joined, is was given a 16% chance of skipping grade 11 and a 0.01% chance of skipping grade 12. "At least I make more than the teachers."

Ixora normally sits in the hallways alone during lunch, unless she is being dragged somewhere by Angel. Her reasoning is that, people are just too scary. "Okay, I don't despise people, but I also want my own time."

Huang Xiaoxue is currently dating a non-celeb male. He is a tall, white boy and according to Ixora, "is someone who her mother would never accept." "Guys, I promise he's a good man."

Her hobbies include dancing, studying and making fun of a person named William. (I promise you guys, there is lore behind this William dude). When Ixora joined the company she immediately knew what she wanted to sign up for. Dancing. However, when she accompanied Angel to her photoshoot, she realized she also really enjoyed modelling. Currently, she is listed as a Dancer/Model. "Angel is inspiring."

"Okay, honestly, I thought this would be really easy and I wouldn't be busy at all and I could bring popularity to my company and dance team. I was half right. I did bring popularity to my dance team and company but oh man, I am so busy😭. Sometimes, I wish to revoke my decision, but the pay is soooo good!!"

Huang Xiaoxue Quotes

"He's got the face of a beaver but is a cow spiritually."

"He's a spiritual cow"

"Get him to wear those manga eyelashes and Miku wig"

"Don't you dare insult my child"


- *Insult to William #1*

- *Insult to William #2*

- *Insult to William #3*

- *Angel insulting Yixuan*

- *Ixora does traditional dance. You wear those weird hair things on your head*

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