Meeting Selena at the Aiport

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We reached the airport and i leaped out of the car. Fizzy,Lottie,And Daddy went and opened the drunk and pulled the luggage out. A man in a bright red uniform took the luggage inside for us as we said our goodbyes. "I will miss you two dearly." I cried a bit hugging Lottie and Fizzy each tightly. "Dont, worry." Lottie kept whispering into my ear. " Your in eighth, the end of the year is soon, thankfully you wont have to go to school for the next month since it ends now, but be safe in highschool, you'll only be 14 as the other students but bound to turn 15 later in the year than everyone else, your short, its cute, but still, andddd uhmmm we will see you in person in a year." Fizzy squeezed me tightly and she quickly spoke that. "Okay, I love you tooo sooo damn much." i whispered crying now. I hugged my dad at the same time saying i love you as well and then i released them and watched the car drive away with my dad and siblings, except lou, away. Louis was in London now and his first show was tomorrow so i hope cable is set up already. "HEYYYYY!!" A womans strong voice shouted as she rushed over and gave a hug to my mum. A skinny girl with a mini afro of curls on her head walked behind her smiling at me. I reciprocated the smile and then a vibration rushed through my back pocket. I turned my attention to my phone as i pulled it out. Fizzy. the screen read. "Yeah?" I asked. "Look in the front pocket of your duffel, Louis knew you would leave it on the bed so he left a message, well a letter for you before he left, its with the item he left you. read it when you sit down inside the airport, by the way mums friends daughters name is Selena. She is going to the same school as you and she is the same age as you. you both will attend school together. Love you. Chat soon. " She spoke all at once. "Love you to. " I replied sincerely before hanging up and placing my phone back in my pocket. "Chelsea dear this is Elizabeth and her daughter Selena. We will live with them for a year here. It will be so much fun." Mum cheerfully explained. I nodded and smiled as we all walked inside the airport in unison. The airport was crammed with Brits of all kinds running around wildly as if there was a fire burning down the place. "Packed." I whispered to Selena. "I know. Everyone looks like a pack of banshees running around." She laughed. I laughed along as we dragged all of our suitcases to the desk to give them to the lady. "Welcome ladies, how many tickets?" She asked nicely. "4" My mum said happily. Selena looked over at me and nodded towards a group of boys. They were all tan with black hair some had blue eyes others had green eyes but one stood out. He had blonde hair, Irish accent, and the prettiest eyes. His Irish accent was unmistakeably adorable. "I cant believe i got on the X-factor, for crying out loud my dreams are going to come true! " He exclaimed to a group of boys. "Hold on Selena." I said tapping her shoulder as i quickly walked over. I had a back pack that was a pretty light brown with white lining around it, it was small and one of those newer models out in fashion. My curls were still in place as from what i saw when i looked down at my shoulders, and my toms felt a little sweaty from the nerves. "Excuse me?" I asked the blonde boy. "Yeah?" He asked pushing through the boys. His crooked teeth were to cute with his little smirk. His blonde hair was so ruffled up but adorable at the same time completeing his cute boyish looks. "May i ask you something?" I asked biting my lip. "Yes?" He asked raising a curious eyebrow. "Well see i overheard you saying you got on the x-factor and it is a very long story but uhm, ya see my brother Louis got on as well, Louis Tomlinson, he makes friends easily and i understand they are all your friends but uhm mind making friends with my brother first? I would really love for him to have a cute irish boy as his friend because you also seem nice. " I quickly sputtered out. Niall chuckled and his cheeks flushed red. "Of course babe." He laughed. "Thank you so much, you really are a sweetheart, uhm. yeah. " My face flushed a red as i looked down. " Can i have your number love?" he asked sweetly. "Sure." We exchanged numbers and hugged goodbyes as we set off in diffeent directions. "What was that all about, a boyfriend i should know about?" Selena asked innocently. "Nope actually he is going on the X-Factor as well, i told him to make friends with my brother and that he is cute and really nice, we exchanged numbers and all, we are going to be good friends though, nothing more, i fancy Harry alot though. " I said to Selena biting my lip. "Hmm i see, well i do not fancy anyone on the X-Factor, i will find an American boy to love. " She giggled. "Come on girls, lets go to Starbucks for some well- needed coffee before we take off. " Selenas mum said. We looked at eachother with silly expressions on our faces than walked off behind our mums.

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