A Melancholic Reunion

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The room remained silent for an extended period. Upon reaching the conclusion of her account on reuniting with Caesar, Iris ceased her speech, resulting in a temporary impasse, while the interviewer diligently recorded notes.

"It appears that you were in a rather precarious situation, wouldn't you agree? However, based on the life you have led, I assume you are accustomed to such occurrences. It seems that you are not easily frightened, but rather there are few things that you truly fear," he stated while gesturing.

"Your propensity for engaging in risky exploits and dangerous circumstances raises concerns about your inclination towards mortality," the man commented, while diligently transcribing his thoughts without diverting his attention towards her.

She reacted with a dismissive scoff.

He continued looking over some papers. "Could it be that you are afraid of something more profound?" he questioned contemplatively.

The room became filled with an overwhelming silence, leaving the brunette unaffected and expressionless. This, needless to say, made the interviewer increasingly uncomfortable under her unwavering gaze. Deep inside, he yearned for any sign or gesture that would alleviate the tension, but her cold hazel eyes sent shivers down his spine. The man displayed a subtle flinch as he observed her arching her back and placing her hands on her legs while intertwining her fingers.

"Contrary to what I may have implied, I do indeed harbor fears of numerous things. Over the past 14 years, I have not experienced a sense of safety. I have witnessed countless events that continue to haunt me," she conveyed in a straightforward manner.

"However, given the current state of the world we inhabit," she commented, her mind drifting as she gently caressed a few scars on her arm and tilted her head slightly to the side in her seat "Nothing surprises me anymore..." she replied simply.

"How did you feel seeing him again after all those years? ," He asked, snapping her out her thoughts.

She brought her head up to look at him.

"I don't really know how to describe it..... happy, scared, and sad came in all at once and I didn't know how to process it...I knew I would run into him again eventually....but I wasn't emotionally or mentally prepared for it," She said as she was playing with her bracelet.


Somewhere in San Francisco 2026, 3 years ago

They were in a state of apprehension for a considerable period. In the midst of a war zone, they were at risk of facing ambush at any given moment. In spite of the chilling sight of lifeless bodies drenched in blood and the scent of gunpowder, the primates remained motionless as they observed their leader subdue the human female without taking any further action following the removal of her gas mask. To put it mildly, there was a palpable anxiety in the air as everyone refrained from making any actions or utterances, keenly aware of the tension emanating from the king and the human woman. They could only wash it in anticipation, waiting for what the ruler would instruct them to do next.

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