Night Dweller.

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Lewis laughed at something Alastor said, Sera barely paying any attention as she admired having the younger boy back in her life, sitting in her living room no less.

"Has Temp told you?" Lewis suddenly asked, becoming somber.

"Told me what?" Sera asked, ignoring the way her gut flipped as Alastor's pinky finger connected with hers on the couch cushion.

"Dan got out."

Record scratch. Literally.

"He fucking what?" She growled, jolting to a standing position.

Lewis nodded, swiping his black hair out of his eyes. "Got out a few days ago, I don't think he knows you moved back yet."

"To be fair I was only gone for a few months." Sera huffed, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Even if he finds out, he won't be able to lay a finger on you darling." Alastor chimes in, smile tense at the mention of Sera's abuser.

"If he's out that means they dropped the case.." She remarked, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hey, let's not pout and be piss babies about it. Let's go out, all three of us, I could probably get the twin's and Jake in on it too." Lewis offered, giving Sera a hopeful smile of pearly whites.

"Where though?" Sera asked.

"The joint you work at." Lewis said simply, shit eating grin plastering his face as Sera deflates.

"Fine, asshole." She huffs.

"Language, dear." Alastor chastises.




Sera wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground, at the time it had seemed like a good idea but now she was dying from the embarrassment as her and Alastor approached the club.

"Devil's Gate?" Alastor chuckled.

"It gets worse." Sera ground her teeth.

Alastor raised a brow at her questioningly.

"Sera?!" A high pitched male voice squealed, and not a second later she's tackled by a tall blond wearing a black crop top and blue ripped skinny jeans.

"Jake!" She beamed, hugging him back eagerly.

He stepped back and whistled, winking at her appearance playfully. "Damn girly!" He chuckled.

"Oh shut it, we both know you don't swing that way." Sera giggled, making Jake's cheeks flush.

"You right." He sighed with a laugh.

Sera smoothes out her hair and zip up hoodie before turning to Alastor, who was watching with an amused grin. "Jake, this is Alastor, Alastor this is Jake." Sera introduced, grabbing Alastor's hand excitedly.

He lets her, smile turning gentle as he looked down at the shorter brunette.

Jake stuck his hand out, a ring on each finger.

"Jake Salwouski. Nice to be meetin' ya!" He introduced, smiling.

Alastor shook his hand, grin still soft as his other hand held Sera's hand still. "Alastor Hartfelt, it's a pleasure."

"Can we go in yet?" Sera cut in, bouncing on her feet.

Alastor chuckled before nodding, letting her drag him towards the entrance.

Inside they quickly met up with Lewis and a couple others with red hair. Sera quickly hugged all of them, but Alastor wasn't daft to the weird tension between Sera and one of the red heads.

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