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Sera hadn't slept for more than an hour a night in two weeks.

Her body was sluggish, mind frazzled, and emotions in overdrive. Alastor was on edge, not liking at all the way her heart fluttered and fought against her ribcage everyday due to the overwhelming amount of caffeine in her system.

She'd been working more, too.

Granted, it meant Alastor would go with her most times and would sit with Lewis, Jake, and sometimes even the twins despite Alex having an air of 'fuck you' around Alastor at all times.

The stag didn't give a fuck.

He'd already settled into the idea of every part of Sera belonging to him, not just her soul- eventually.

Her body no longer gave off crimson shocks when he touched her, the little sparks just dancing around his skin as a means of saying 'I exist, so watch it.' and Alastor never pushed.

The stag just needed to be patient and be with her through the loss of Seth.


Sera's arms trembled as she held herself upside down on the pole.

She hadn't slept the night before, hadn't ate at all, and was running off of utter fumes.

Lewis and Alastor's eyes were glued to her form, both of them noticing her trembling arms and sluggish movements as she performed.

A scream echos as Sera collapses, face colliding hard with the floor and a sickening crack ringing out as her left shoulder is bent from still gripping the metal pole to try and break her fall.

Alastor bolts for her, having half a mind to phase into his demonic self and wrap his shadows around her while tending to her injuries.

The demon lifts her into his arms, slowly twisting her arm into place and winces when she yelps as it cracks and pops to relocate.

He held her face in his hands and tilted her head up so he could see her face, only for his pupils to shrink as he sees blood dripping from her nose. A sob rips from Sera's lips and quickly Alastor hushes her gently while picking her up.

A shorter heavy-set man with short dirty-blond hair and bright orange eyes approached. His amber gaze assessed Sera as she curled into Alastor's chest to hide herself. "Take her home, don't let her come back until she gets some sleep and talks to her doctor." He tells Alastor and the demon nods.


Sera sniffled as Alastor pressed a paper towel to her nose, gently wiping the blood away. Neither of them had spoken since arriving back at the house, and once again the brunette was reminded of why she wasn't necessarily comfortable inside anymore.

"It's too quiet.." She mumbled, more to herself than to Alastor.

His now crimson orbs flicker up to her emerald ones for a second before focusing back on her nose, a subtle hum vibrating his throat.

"It is, isn't it?" The stag responds just before low-tempo jazz begins to filter through the air.

Sera's gaze flies to his staff, which was propped against the tv stand a few feet away, and she felt her lips twitch into a small smile.

The demon finishes with cleaning her nose and takes the paper towel away, replacing it with a cold damp wash cloth that he pressed into her forehead. His eyes linger on her for a moment before shifting to her eyes, and in this moment he gets lost in the color, admiring subtly how the green shifted into different shades, her right one having hints of faded pink specks littered throughout it.

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