The first step.

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Winter was finally ending. After the class mock battle, it was decided that Shinsou would join Class 1B. By then, both him and Deku had worked to further improve their Quirks. A rematch was definitely due.

"Shinsou! Hey!".
Ever since that one class, he was a bit unsure how to act around the green-haired boy. His Quirk was amazingly powerful as it was chaotic. Not only that, his determination resonated with him. It hit a little too close to home. Not to mention, how confusing it was to see Midoriya so intense during battle, but completely the opposite during school.

"Since we just finished classes, I was hoping to ask you something." The boy had a soft blush on his face. He had asked others to hang out before. Duh. He hung out with Iida and Uraraka all the time.
But this was different.
He was still so used to others rejecting and berating him. Asking someone he's not particularly close to, to hang out, was sort of nerve-wrecking.
But he knew Shinsou wasn't like those from his old middle school. Shinsou wanted to be a hero, just like him. A quick deep breath, he's determined. He flashes a quick smile.
"I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out this weekend!"

Shock was an understatement. Weren't they rivals? Or at least, acquaintances? Why would he want to hang out with Shinsou?
"With me? Why?"

Midoriya was officially confused.
He was sure he had been friendly to Shinsou before. The other should know he doesn't have ulterior motives. He knew the other saw him as a rival, or at least a challenge. He liked that and wanted to face it head on.
"To train of course! We could talk about our Quirks and spar. I know you said you're not here to make friends, Shinsou.... That doesn't mean we can't help each other while working on our own strengths and weaknesses!"
Shinsou couldn't help the tinge of red that appeared at the tip of his ears. It didn't matter if he turned his face away.
Come on. It's no big deal. Everything the other had said was true. It was a good chance to get some real practice in. Who better than with Midoriya himself.
"I guess you're right. But don't hold back, got it?", he said with a slight smile.
Midoriya couldn't be happier.
The weekend could not come soon enough.

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