I never knew.

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Safe to safe, they were both nervous as they were excited. They really didn't know what to expect.

Saturday morning came sooner than they realized. Both of them had planned to meet at the field nearby. With the whole UA property as their training ground, there'd be no problem in going all out with their sparring.
"Morning, Shinsou!"
Midoriya jogged up to him, waving a hand too. He sported his classic black shorts, red sneakers, and a turquoise hoodie.
"Hey, Midoriya. You ready?", he says continuing his stretches. He's trying not to stare at the blinding smile.

On the other hand, the One for All holder couldn't help but gaze. The boy in front of him had black joggers and a tight black tee to pair with it. Shinsou used to rely a lot on his Quirk alone. Meaning he wasn't as physically strong as those in the hero course. He knew this from the sports festival. He had been so busy, it didn't really hit him just how much the other had bulked up. His new form would definitely make him a harder opponent. He felt his hands start to sweat.
"Of course I am. Are you?"
Without giving him a chance to reply though, Midoriya lunges in the air. Not a second later, Shinsou following suit, whipping out his blinding cloth in a flash. This was going to be fun.
Their training ranges from close combat to sneaky long distance cat and mouse fight.
If either of them noticed their flushed faces when the other got too close, no one would dare say. Who knew if their pounding hearts were from the exercise or their lingering touches.
After an hour and a half later they take a break. Choosing to sit on the grass to catch their breath. Midoriya's heart was pounding. He looked over at the purple-haired boy. The other was definitely catching up. His physical strength gave him an advantage in close combat. His blinding cloth technique had sharpened too. Midoriya was more than proud of him. He couldn't help but  give him a huge smile.
Shinsou glances sideways and blinks at him. His rival looks like a fool. With that dorky kind of smile that Shinsou can't help but chuckle at.
"Aizawa's taught you a lot, hasn't he?" "Even so I can tell you're working really hard, even on your own, too."
His stomach felt a flip of sorts. He wasn't used to compliments. He noticed how Midoriya was always the one giving them to him.
"I'm not ready to give up, that's all."
Oh. His ears are red again!
For some some reason, seeing Shinsou so flustered only made him want to do it more. He didn't know Shinsou's whole story. But if it was anything like he'd heard about before, he knew it couldn't possibly be easy for other.
He had to make sure to praise him more often.
The day passed by too fast.
On the last hour, before the sun set, they parted ways. Promising each other another fight soon enough.
Will it be anything like today? Midoriya shook his head, already feeling the heat crawl up his neck and cheeks.
He wants to surprise Shinsou the next time they meet. Maybe he can come up with a new move.
Plus Ultra, right?

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