Hard to say.

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The following week comes along. Everyone always complains about classes, specifically on Mondays. But Deku knows how lucky he is to be at UA. General subjects and then hero training, he indulges in both. Taking notes here and there.
Wonder if Shinsou could use them?
His new hero course classmate was always at the back of his mind. He didn't mind admitting it.
After all, it was normal to worry about your friends.
Wait. Were they friends?
They'd have to hang out a bit more, just to make sure.
But the green-haired boy already knew the answer.

"Hey, Deku!"
"Uraraka! What's up?"

She had come up to his desk, leaning in a bit. Curiosity and anticipation obvious in her eyes.
"Deku, a few of us were hanging on Saturday. We totally saw you training with Shinsou! Are you guys friends now?"

"I want to say yes more than anything. But I'm not sure how Shinsou would answer. I don't want to cause him any trouble."
Being friends with the taller boy would mean a lot to him. Those who dream big and work hard are rare and special. He things the same of Shinsou. But his declaration of determination, rang in his ears. He wasn't here to be friendly. Maybe....

"You care about him a lot, don't you? Ribbit." Tsu.
"Ahah that-that's true. He's been through some stuff and seeing him work so hard, hits home. So..."

"Hey! Hey! Could it be you like him?", exclaimed Hagaruke, running over. She was as cheery as ever.

Deku gives her a smile . He tries not to make a big deal about the blush now on his face.
"Not like that. He's a resilient guy and I admire that trait of his. And we're definitely getting closer, but it's not like that. Really." He can't help but wave his hands to emphasize this. All the girls groan and sit back down.
Clearly disappointed.
He lets out a sign he didn't know he was holding.
Deku knew what it was like to feel like the world was against you. What it felt like to grasp desperately, trying to make it to the top.
Sure, he had a soft spot for Shinsou. But that didn't mean love.
For now, all he could do was focus on his studies and training. The weekend would be here before he knew it. Then he'd have time to think about it more.
Friends with Shinsou.
He liked the sound of that.

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