He Couldn't Feel Her

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"What do you mean you're married?!" Pansy and Astoria shrieked at the same time when Draco informed his friends that his wife would be moving home to the manor in a few short weeks.

Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott were not the only ones in attendance that did not look surprised by his revelation. Vincent and Greg nudged each other with a secret smile as gold was exchanged. While they suspected a lot of things, a wife was not one of them. The blonde just shrugged his shoulders and waved a hand to invite the women to take a seat.

"Did you really not notice?" Draco asked drolly, pouring himself a drink and sat on a high wing back chair with an amused smirk. Slowly, he raised his hand to show not only the Malfoy family signet ring but also a thick platinum band, intricate runes deeply engraved into the metal.

"You never said!" Astoria whined, Pansy sat beside her, looking sullenly at the floor.

"I've worn my wedding band for the last two and a half years, when I'm not at work or on a mission, I'm with my wife in France." Draco said smugly as a small smile graced his features. Pansy watched her one time boyfriend shrewdly, it was true he was like a completely different person since his mission to kill the headmaster. However, the triumph and superiority in his gaze made her pause. She had not seen that look since he was the one who captured Marrietta Edgecomb and forced her confession with Umbridge.

"So, you've hidden her in France? She must be hideous if she hasn't even come to any of the seasonal events. After all, my mother was just speaking to Narcissa about..." Pansy started boldly, her mouth twisted in a condescending sneer but she trailed off as Draco's gray eyes turned to glare at her.

"My wife is a lovely witch, she's been recuperating from the attack on our wedding. I will be having an...intimate gathering with you all when she arrives in a few weeks time. I hope you embrace my wife with open arms." Draco said blandly, not taking his eyes off one of his oldest friends. She may have deluded herself into thinking she could possibly be the next Mrs. Malfoy but she was loyal, never swaying from his side since they were but babes.

"Does she enjoy shopping?" Daphne asked primly, if a bit excited, speaking for the first time. Theo smiled at the woman beside him, his eyes shining with fondness.

"If it's books." Draco shrugged dismissively.

"Oh, what kind of books does she read?" Astoria asked with a little more enthusiasm. While she was told from a young age she would one day marry Draco, she wasn't that upset by the news of him already married. They hardly ever spoke and she felt she probably wouldn't even be there if she wasn't Daphne's sister. However, becoming allies with Draco's new bride could certainly have its benefits.

"Everything she can get her ink stained little fingers on." Draco sighed with exasperation and rolled his eyes, taking a long drink from his sifter. Theo and Blaise exchanged a look behind their friends head and silently chuckled.

"Where's Ginerva?" Astoria asked suddenly as it dawned on her that the fiery red head was absent.

"At her mother's." Blaise said bluntly with a sneer, the men in the room chuckled, all of them heard the Italian lament his in-laws for hours. Usually, it meant that she had been called home or they were fighting when his redheaded wife disappeared to her family hovel.

"Oh, but won't the angry sex be worth it?" Daphne asked cheerily as Pansy choked on her drink. "Please, lighten up!"

"Theodore, you've corrupted my sister." Astoria glared at the man who was looking at her sister with clear devotion. It was disgusting, they had been betrothed since Daphne had been born and never had eyes for anyone else.

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