Blaise Interupted

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"Who are you?" Maia whispered against the blonde man's naked chest, her dress lay in ruined bits of bloodied silk on the floor. She took a deep settling breath as she tried to remember anything but it was all a haze. There were some facts but even her name was hazy. The only thing she knew with absolute clarity was that she loved the blond man beside her.

"I'm your husband, Draco Malfoy." Draco had a smile of pure satisfaction as he explored her body, mapping out every curve with his fingers. She shivered, unable to stop herself from leaning into his touch, it just felt so good.

"Who am I?" Maia whispered after a moment of comfortable silence, she turned her bright eyes up to the man claiming to be her husband. How could she not know her own name but know this man was somehow hers?

"My wife." Draco smirked, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead, Maia made a disgruntled sound in the back of her throat and he chuckled.

"Really?" Maia scowled and arched her brow impatiently.

"Maia Malfoy née Black, we have been betrothed since you were born on 27 June, 1980. You were raised separated from other children our age, being educated around the world. There was an attack on our wedding day, you were hurt and lost your memory." Draco said slowly, his cheek resting on the top of her curly hair as he kept his arms wrapped around her possessively.

His words made sense and were comforting, for some unfathomable reason she trusted him to tell her the truth. However, it did sound rehearsed, like he spent a very long time choosing the right words. She looked around the large open bed chambers curiously, everything was black with silver trim. Snake insignias were prominent amongst the fixtures, there were no pictures or personal effects; it could be anyone's rooms.

"Why can I remember you? Well...not really remembering you but I feel're mine." Maia whispered, absently running her fingers over Draco's naked stomach, making him shiver.

"Because you are mine, you were made for me." Draco chuckled darkly, his voice husky as he took deep breaths, his face buried in her wild, curly mane. That sounded like the truth and it startled her. How could she be made for someone? Was he made for her too?

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously as she tilted her head up to look at him, he had a very satisfied and smug smile on his face as he silently examined her.

"It means, magic made you specifically for me. In every way, you are mine. No one could take you away completely, I will protect you. Mother has already made arrangements for your recovery where you'll be safe." Draco whispered reverently, his calloused fingers traced her face as if it were the most precious work of art.

"Safe?" Maia asked softly, her heart aching as he looked at her with so many emotions she couldn't identify.

"Safe from the man who did this to you. Our world is at war and they tried to take you away from me because they are bad people who want to oppress us. Now, I would love to give you a grand lecture on the history of magic but I think we should be spending our time getting to know one another again." Draco whispered huskily and he pulled her body up against his easily, his mouth attaching eagerly to her neck.

"But I-" Maia gasped when heat pooled in her stomach and all rational thought left her again.

Voldemort sat on his throne in front of his assembled followers, a deep frown marring his already distorted features. In the center of the room, Fred, George, Ron, and Arthur Weasley were bound together in a circle. He steepled his fingers under his chin as he watched the blood traitors squirm under the jeers of his faithful followers. His death eaters were throwing themselves in a frenzy, the most notable exceptions being two of his favored followers; Draco and Bella. Anyone could see that the young Malfoy had one weakness, it would be his family. The only thing he was more loyal to than him would be his wife. It actually worked in his favor, if he promised protection for the naive little chit Draco could be pointed at a target and the blond would do what was needed. He never needed to threaten Draco's wife, unlike some of the other sycophants in the room. No, he was ruthless and efficient and his goal was to go home to his wife to be coddled.

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