The Struggle

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"I'll not have it, Narcissa!" Lucius snarled angrily, staring at his wife who sat expressionless in front of him. The blond man began to pace again, wondering how his wife could possibly have snuck their son from the house and marry him to some strange girl without even noticing they were gone.

"You will, Lucius. I've been planning this for a very long time and you have no power to stop it." Narcissa said coolly, taking a small sip of ear tea. She was honestly amazed that her husband didn't notice that she locked herself away with her sister to work over the newest addition to the Black family. Then to smuggle in the most renowned mind healer in the world to rearrange and obliterate her memories, Narcissa would be joining her sister for a celebratory glass of elfin wine after her husband calmed down.

"No! I've been talking to Hyperion Greengrass for three years about an official merger!" Lucius thundered, his pale cheeks turning an unattractive puce when he turned to glare at his wife. "Who is this chit anyhow?! You show up in the middle of the night, practically carrying a bloodied bride into Draco's bed chambers and Bellatrix threatens me in my own home to stay away!"

"She's a Black, pureblood, very clever and beautiful. Some order members attacked the venue, she lost her guardians and her memory." Narcissa said in a frosty tone as she met her husband's glare.

She had been the last Black for far too long, getting swept up in her husband's schemes. It was lonely, having grown up with sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, and parents to then only have a husband who's weak will and thirst for power overshadowed all else. The Malfoys had been cursed to only have one male heir for centuries so Lucius could never understand the pain she felt. Losing her sisters, one to a low bred commoner and the other to prison had shattered her. She had been raised believing she would marry her cousin Sirius but he had let the madness overtake him, mentally and magically. He had spent so many years suppressing his instincts that he turned into an impulsive fool.

"A private ceremony with only you and Bella? You didn't think I would like to see my heir claim his bride?" Lucius demanded, his jaw tight while his stubborn wife just gave him that infuriating smile.

"Yes, a private ceremony for two children of the Black family to be joined. He may have been born a Malfoy but I've instilled enough of the Black teachings that he knows what family honor is. This Astoria chit you've been so fixated on is nothing but a half-blood whore, didn't you wonder why Per is offering her so cheap? She was born to his muggle mistress!" Narcissa smiled maliciously when Lucius lost all the color in his face and took a step back from her.

"No! That is not- damnit! Narcissa, you married off my heir without even consulting me!" Lucius sputtered for a moment before draining his glass and squaring his shoulders. "You are my wife, an extension of myself!"

"Cissie is a Black witch!" Bellatrix snarled after she threw the doors to the private study open with a bang. Lucius jumped at the sudden intrusion but Narcissa just smirked, watching her sister stalk across the room, a predator circling her prey. If only her husband had been more malleable or even just faithful, maybe she would protect him.

"Narcissa is a Malfoy!" Lucius snapped irritably, making the grievous mistake of turning his back on the mad witch to pour himself another drink.

"Lucy..." Bellatrix purred in his ear, pressing her body along his back. Her wand trailed up his thigh until she jabbed it harshly into the soft, fleshy area just beneath his balls.

"Bella!" Lucius cried out in alarm and froze, his eyes wide with shock.

"You've forgotten your place, Lucy. While your family was still shoveling pig shit, learning to speak English after your cowardly escape from France, it was our family that owned the stables." Bellatrix hissed in his ear, turning and pressing her wand harshly to emphasize her point.

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