🥀intro darling🥀

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Saara, Milla, Hunnar and Libby are dead broke. They live in an 8-bedroom, huge ah house, they got from Saara's dead uncle in her inheritance. But, they can't afford to pay all the bills, it's a huge ass house my guy. So, they go onto Craigslist, to look for roommates. Now, they sit, across from a group of four guys, holding a clipboard and taking notes.  The boys? Donald, Chance, Kendrick and Tyler.


Donald-black curly hair, introvert, will not iron your clothes, funny when he talks, really close with Chance, RICH BOI

Chance-kinda looks like a pug, light skin stare, black hair, cool, might be a bad influence, close with Donald, funny, loud, will take the trash out, RICH

Kendrick-short, cornrows, he likes flowers, RICH can make hella good fried chicken, likes fruity pebbles, likes Dr Dre, likes Jay-Z

Tyler-tall, buzzcut, has D.I.D, RICHHH, likes skating, has too many love issues, prolly a bad influence, REALLYY COOL, funny as hell 

Saara (sara just w an extra a)-short af smh like 5', curly black hair, loves rap, questionable love life, really funny

Libby-Tall af wtf like 5'9, mid-brown hair, pretty eyes tehe, so gay tf

Milla (mi like mirror la)-like 5'7, poofy curly dark brown hair, extrovert, crazy ass love life, bi af girls r so hot ahh

Hunnar (huh-nah)-like 5'5 maybe??, poofy black hair, so pretty :pp, funny, chill

The question is, will they let Donald, Chance, Kendrick and Tyler live here? Well, they're all rich enough to pay rent, and they have pretty good jobs (they're all upcoming SoundCloud rappers and they get BAGS). The answer is, yes. Yes they will. By the next week, the four of them were living with Libby, Milla, Hunnar and Saara.

The house:

The rooms all mainly occupied the second level, Donald's room was across from Hunnar's, Kendrick's room was across from Tyler's, Saara's room was across from Milla's and Libby's room was across from Chance's. The rest of the second level was made up of the cinema, two offices and two of the four bathrooms. The first floor at the bottom, included, the kitchen, the other two bathrooms, the living room, another office, which was bigger than the other two, and the garage.

Almost everyone in the house had jobs, and a lot of the time, they wouldn't see each other. Their schedules were busy.






8pm-11pm every day

Kendrick and Chance




Library(work) and college

Mon -Fri   3:30pm-6pm

Sat-Sun   11am-5:30pm


KFC and college

Mon -Fri 6pm-10pm

Sat-Sun 12pm-4pm



Mon-Fri   9am-5pm



So btw this is not my story, this was done by my friend (Saara❤). I asked her if I could put it on Wattpad because I thought it was a really good story. Me, her and our two other friends are the 4 OC's in this book. Not saying were like this in real life, but it is a pretty good representation lol. Hope ya'll enjoy.

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