strip club

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⚠mentions of drugs and drug use, swearing,⚠

So Chance was home all the time, and when Milla wasn't at college, she'd be at college parties, and out clubbing. All eight of them had to get used to each other, it was gonna be insane. The first week was pretty insane, on Monday morning, Saara had to drop Tyler off at work because his car wouldn't start, so she left during the middle of a lecture to drop him off. He ended up paying her back by bringing home donuts for her. That was a bonus, Tyler repaid people with food, she'd keep that in mind. Hunnar and Tyler would go to work together too, but for some reason, she didn't drop Tyler off. So far, Chance was the clown, Milla was the extroverted party animal, Hunnar was the weird energetic one, Saara was the mother of the friend group, Libby was the quiet one, and Donald was the 'I am not taking you bullshit.' one, Kendrick was the mysterious one and Tyler was the bad influence. On Tuesday, Donald got really mad at Chance at Tyler, because when he got home from work, at 11:30 pm, both of them were doing karaoke. Not even in like the cinema room, or somewhere quiet, but IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOUSE!! Libby and Saara were mad at them too, but this is what happened:

"What are you guys- No, no, get off the fuckin' counter, go to sleep, you have work! Chance, shut the fuck up, the college kids are trying to sleep! They're the only people in this house with a fuckin' chance of getting a REAL job!" Donald yelled, whacking Chance off the kitchen counter with a salt shaker, as Libby was drinking milo, and Saara was dragging a very high Tyler to bed.

So, that was funny, and on Wednesday, Tyler almost got fired, because he came to work like an hour late. Saara asked Hunnar why she didn't take Tyler with him, and she was like "He works with me?! At Starbucks?! Oh." at night, when Donald got back from work, he was dragging a drunk Milla back into the house. She was at a strip club.

"The real question is why was Donald at the strip club?" Saara whispered to Hunnar

"He was the stripper," Hunnar whispered back

"Canon, I was the pole," Saara whispered back as they started laughing.

"What are you two laughing at? Get to bed, you have school! Go, go!" Donald said, very close to whacking them with the salt shaker as they ran off to their rooms, giggling. On Thursday, some DRAMAAA happened. It was 1am, and everyone was awake, and everyone but Libby and Saara were high. Everyone sat on the couch except Saara, who was sitting on the floor, leaning against Donald.

"Man, this stuff is crazyyyy" Tyler laughed

"Shit, I think I can see Michael Jackson..?" Chance said, squinting his eyes at Milla

"That's not Michael Jackson, it's just Milla." Libby said bluntly, continuing to draw in her sketchbook

"Hey guys, guess what Donald is scared of!" Chance suddenly yelled, as a chorus of "what??" Erupted in the room

"Shut up dude." Donald said, hitting Chance

"He's scared of thunder and lightning" Chance said, laughing

"Oh yeah? That's funny? Says the guy who looks like a pug, and gets no bitches." Donald said tackling Chance, as a whole ass fight happened, and Milla chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!". Kendrick ended up separating the two, and for the rest of the week, no one was talking to each other. Until, on Sunday, Libby walked into the living room, while everyone was silently doing their own things.

"Guys, my boyfriend, Pasi is coming over for dinner. You all have to be respectful and nice." She said making emphasis on 'have to'.

"Ok, dial back, what?!" Milla asked

"I have a boyfriend, who works with me, his name is Pasi, and I invited him over for dinner."

"Damn." Donald laughed. The rest of the day was preparation for Pasi's arrival, Tyler was in charge of food, which was the worst idea anyone could ever have but oh well. Libby was happy that everyone was making an effort.

6pm, everyone was awaiting for Pasi, and Tyler still hadn't finished the food, which was concerning. Apparently he was cooking a turkey. Then, everyone heard a loud BANG! Tyler stood up and ran. To the laundry. He had put the turkey in the washing machine. IN THE WASHING MACHINE.  

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