Chapter 3

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I've just put Rory to bed with a few tears but, she soon settled after I read to her,

"hey girls" I say to the room 

"hey liefde, Ro asleep?" I kiss her 

"yea only a few tears" she smiles at me 

As the night goes on we start a game of monopoly, Kim and Viv are in a team and are winning which is pissing off Katie and I 

"I swear you're cheating" Katie pouts

"no Katie you and Beth are just crap with money" Caitlin says from the sofa, I look annoyed but she is right Viv and Kim giggle at her comment  

"come on Beth we need to win" I sigh at her 

"mhm yep"

"MA MA MA" We hear from the top of the stairs, I go to get up but Viv is quicker 

"she's nervous about going to camp tomorrow" the girls all let out a sad smile

"hey at least everyone's prepared this time to help her" I nod at Leah 


I walk up stairs to see Rory curled up in a ball rocking back and forth 

"hey baby" I whisper so I don't startle her, I sit down next to her and just whisper so she knows I'm there but I know not to touch her till she comes to me.

"Ma" after about 8 minutes I hear a small voice whisper 

I open my arms and she crawls into them and just rests her head in my chest,

I eventually settle her and put her back to bed I heard all the girls leave two hours ago around 8 ish because of international camp tomorrow.

"lets get to bed" I nod at Beth and we head to Beth.


"Time to get up liefde, I need to set off in a few hours" I hear Beth grumble something back "I'll get little one up and read"



Rory miedema (Beth & Viv)Where stories live. Discover now