Season 1.2.5 the reaction of the leaders

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This will be a small part between 2 and 3. It will show the reactions of the different faction leaders of the cristian pantion on how Veldanava is back.


After the leak of Issei's Aura

In the underworld

There we see the 4 new satans in a meeting that was called on short notice.

'' So you all felt it as well?'' Sirzechs asked.

'' Yes. I believe all people who knew Veldanava recognized the aura of him.'' Ajuka Beelzebub stated.

'' Indeed. But I am worried where the aura was located.'' Falbium asmodeus stated.

'' Yes it was located where our sister rule Zechs-chan.'' Serafall stated.

'' I know I am worried about Rias. She doesn't know it is him so if she tries to order her because of her spoiled nature-'' Sirzechs was cut of by his wife.

'' She would die if she does that. Veldanava-sama hated being told what to do by everyone other than Lucia.'' Grayfia stated.

'' Exactly.'' Said Sirzechs.

'' Well Sona-tan has manners so I am not worried for her.'' Serafall said. '' The only thing I'm worried is that she will see him as a threat because of his power and attack him.''

'' Lets just hope that she won't do that.'' Ajuka said and Falbium agreed to his words.

In heaven

All of heavens Seraphs were sitting at a big white and gold table in a circle.

'' Did you all feel that brothers? Grandpa is back.'' Gabriel shouted in excitment.

'' Yes he is Gabriel. We should make contect as soon as possible.'' Michael said trying to calm his overly happy sister.

'' His Aura was in Kuoh which is a devil territory. So they will make contect first.'' Uriel stated.

'' Yes but Veldanava doesn't favor any race more than the other so he won't make a deal with them. And precussere isn't going to work he can erase them with a snap of his fingers.'' Raphael replied to Uriel's statement.

'' But why did Dad hate dragons when he saw one as his own father because Veldanava created him?'' Gabriel asked.

'' Father hated the normal dragons. He liked the true dragons and dragon gods because they knew Veldanava and are born like him through concepts created by Veldanava. He thinks normal dragons are just copies who got a bit power from Veldanava and think to highly of themselves now. That's why he hates them.'' Michael asnwered his sister question.

'' Thank you for that explanation Brother.'' Gabriel thanked Michael.

'' No problem Little sister.''

In Grigori

The same sitting arrangment as the seraph was found in grigori with the cadre.

'' Woah. The big guy himself is back.'' Azazel stated.

'' Indeed he is and it came from Kouh.'' Shemhazai said.

'' Kouh. There is Akeno!'' Baraqiel said in worry about his daughter.

'' Calm down Baraqiel. Veldanava never killed without reason.'' Penemue said to Baraqiel to lessen his worry about his daughters life.

'' Why the fuck is he back now? I wanted to start a new great war.'' Kokabiel the crackelf thought.

'' You saying that because you think so Penemue or because you like Veldanava?'' Azazel joked.

'' Fuck off Azazel!'' Penemue shouted at him.

'' At any rate we will wait till he talked with the devils and then I will take to him.'' Azazel said.

'' I will come with you to see him Azazel.'' Penemue said.

'' Ok you can.'' Was the reply from Azazel.

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