Main Information

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Human Name: F/N L/N
(First Name/Last Name)

Age: Whatever you want, but you guys are old as shit because y'all are from the slave trade era.

Favorite Colors: None.
Explanation: Given the fact Crow was alive during the slave trade era, that's where he gets his black and white color palette. Because it was an everlasting battle with whites and blacks. Crow got tired of fighting a battle that he believed he would never win so he took his own life. This is what also makes him an immediate overlord. Given he has white on his color palette it symbolizes the dominance that the whites had over the blacks. The black on his color palette symbolizes the sympathy he has for his people.

Which brings me into personality:
Crow is a goofy man and very caring until you screw him over, as a soul who has experienced torture his whole life, he knows a lot about the concept. And he can be very malicious when he doesn't like someone.

Friends: Charlie, Husk, Velvette, Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious, Zestial, Lucifer, Rosie.

Acquaintances: Alastor, Vaggie, Vox, Carmilla, Zeezi, The Seven Deadly Sins, Emily, Sera.

Enemies: Valentino, Adam, Lute, Exterminators.

Significant Other: Angel Dust obviously.


Too lazy to color it and describe his attire, but here is a sketch that I made of him

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Too lazy to color it and describe his attire, but here is a sketch that I made of him. During one of the chapters it'll go over his abilities, attire, etcetera. This is just stuff that isn't mentioned in the story! (Technically he's monochrome anyway, there wouldn't be much to color LMAO)

An Angel's Crow • ANGEL DUST x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now