Chapter 1

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Eva woke up from the sound of a ringtone coming from her phone.
'Mother' it flashed on the screen.
Oh god not again.

She fell asleep instead of doing the chores her mother left her to do.
She rushed to the phone to answer her mother.
"Eva I forgot to tell you to water the plants, can you please do it?"
"Thank you sweetie"

She closed the phone and walked to the dirty kitchen, all the dishes were all over the place and piles of candy wrappers were all around.
She decided to water the plants then go to the kitchen to finish.

She finished all the chores and was just left with a few plates, she picked one up to put in the dishwasher but it slipped off out of her hand and broke in a thousand pieces.
"No no no no no"
Eva picked up the big pieces as she heard the car pull in the driveway, two minutes later Augustine and Betty opened the door and saw the mess.
"Mom I'm sorry it just fell and I didn't have time to clean and-" she was cut off by Augustine.
"Don't start making excuses you had plenty of time to clean everything up before we came and you still couldn't do it"
The tears were forming in Eva's eyes.
"Come on Betty let's get you to bed"
the girl, only two years younger than Eva but still less mature smiled and jumped in her mother's arms. They went upstairs.

Eva was quick to start cleaning again until she heard her mother come downstairs.
"You can't even do one thing right!" Augustine started yelling. She picked up a piece of glass from the floor.
Eva felt the tears on her cheeks and her breaths became faster.
Her mother kept yelling at her but she couldn't hear anything, the ring in her ears making it all feel like a dream, a nightmare.
Suddenly she felt her mother's hand slamming against her face.
Augustine looked down at the girl.
"Now clean this up"
She said more quietly.
The 10 years old nodded and went to clean everything, her mother already upstairs.

Eva sat on the floor taking the last pieces she could find when she saw a blood drop, her mother still had the glass in her hand.
The same hand that she slapped Eva with.

Eva brought her hand up to her cheek, and as she expected it had a small cut in it.
Her blood and tears mixed and hit the floor each time creating small red drops.
She sniffled and grabbed a wipe to clean the tears and the blood.

After she was done cleaning everything and putting a bandage on her cheek she went to her room and got under the covers.
No one likes silent crying but unfortunately it's the only thing Eva could do after stuff like that happened.
She held her hand up to feel her cheek one more time and make sure the bandage is stuck well, her tears still streaming down fast.

She heard a small knock on her door and her little sister's voice saying "Eve?"
The girl wiped her tears fast and went to open her door.
"Hey Bett what are you doing awake?"
She asked as it was past Betty's bedtime.
"I heard mom yelling at you." The little girl was holding back tears.
"What happened to you?" Her gaze went up to Eva's cheek.
"Oh nothing don't worry, and I'm okay I just got into a small fight with mom nothing that needs to concern you"
She hugged her little sister.
"Now go to sleep or you'll be tired tomorrow"
Betty nodded and walked away.

Eva went to her bed again and started crying all over again, she hated how her mother treated her, but more than anything she hated how it had to affect her sister.

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