Chapter 2

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Eva was now 13 years old, her mother's abuse never stopped.

She was sitting with her little sister in the living room, they were playing monopoly.
"Haha that's my property give me my money!" Betty laughed.
"Ugh fine" Eva rolled her eyes while giving her sister the ten bucks she owed her.

"Betty!" they heard their mother say.
"Yes mom?"
"Do you remember we agreed to go get ice cream today sweetheart"
"Oh yeah! Can Eve please please please please come?"
Augustine looked at the older girl out of the two in front of her.
"I don't know honey, I'm sure she's busy and doesn't want to go get ice cream right now"
She tried to make excuse, the favorited girl was obvious between the two.
"Please please please please please please please!!!" Betty was looking at both her mother and sister.
"I mean I'd love to come"
Augustine looked around the room again.
"Fine. Let's go"

They arrived at the ice cream shop. Eva looked around her, so many cars and people... she hasn't come out of the house for a long time now.
They went in the almost empty shop, only two tables were caught, one with a girl and who seemed to be her sister and one with an older couple who looked very sweet.
"Eva?" Her mother raised her voice at her after she called her three times before.
"Uhm yeah sorry"
"What flavor do you want?"
Eva caught the anger in her mother's eyes, the one that would appear every time she did something wrong.
"Chocolate please" the girl's voice grew quieter as she thought about what would happen to her when she got home.

After they got their ice creams the girls went to an open table and sat down.
"Mom maybe we could go watch a movie later?"
Betty and Eva both knew their mother wouldn't say no to anything the younger girl asked, so they planned on where to go.
"Sure sweetie, but we'll have to drop Eva off at home first since I forgot to do the laundry and fold it"
"Why do I always have to do it?"
She saw her mother's eyes widen, she rarely ever stood up for herself against Augustine and she knew her mother hated it. She regretted it the moment it came out of her mouth.
"Because you are the older sister, it's your responsibility"
"But why do you never do it?"
She crossed the line.

Augustine grabbed Eva's wrist while apologizing to Betty and telling her they'll be back soon.
She dragged her to the bathroom.
Oh god I messed up
"I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking I promise I won't do it again"
This is going to hurt
As she expected, her mother's hand quickly slapped her face, afterwards wrapping around the girl's neck threatening to strangle her.
The rage in Augustine's eyes only grew stronger as the child tried to fight the hand.
"I'm letting you go this time, only because we're in a public place and Betty is waiting outside"
Augustine stepped out of the bathroom.

Why did I do it why did I do it why did I do it

The same words repeated in Eva's mind as she slipped down the wall she was leaning on, not noticing a girl coming closer to her.


Scarlet excused herself to go to the bathroom, her sister just nodding and going back on her phone to text her "boyfriend".
As she came closer she heard some voices a loud bang and silence.
A woman who looked quite mad came out of the bathroom as scarlet walked in.

A girl, about her age, was standing with her hands on her face and a very red neck slowly sliding down a wall.
She noticed the girl's quiet sobs and came closer to her.

"Hey, are you okay?"
The girl moved her hands off her face and wiped some tears.
"Yeah don't worry thanks"
"What happened?"
"Just made my mother mad that's all nothing serious"
That didn't sound like nothing
Scarlet wrapped her arms around the stranger capturing her in a hug.
The girl looked surprised, but hugged her back and began sobbing against her shoulder.
Scarlet pulled away, they were both sat on the floor at this point.
"I'm scarlet, but you can call me scar"
She offered her hand for a shake.
"Eva, you can call me Eve"
She shook scar's hand.

They continued talking for long after that, until Paris, scar's sister, came in to rush her out because she had a date to get ready for.
"Um so here's my number if you want to talk"
Scar pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen and wrote her cellphone number then handed it to Eve.
"Thank you!"
Eva said as scar left the bathroom.


"Finally what took you so long?" Betty asked jokingly.
"Oh nothing just freshened up"
Eva said while trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"So we're gonna go home to drop off Eva and come back to go see a movie, alright?"
"But why can't Eve come with us?"
"Because as I said she has stuff to do, isn't it right?"
She smirked at Eva.
"Fine let's go, I'll tell you a bout the movie when we get home!" Betty smiled.

When they dropped her off at home Eva pulled out her phone and started texting the new girl she just met.

???: Hi! This is Eva from the ice cream shop
Scar: Hello!
Eve: I'm finally at home
Scar: Me too
Scar: So what are you doing?
Eve: I just have some chores to do
Scar: Omg I hate doing choresss
Eve: Ikr it's so annoying but I have to

Their conversation continued long after that, Eve not noticing the time passing by as she heard the car pull in the driveway.
Shit shit shit
She forgot to do the laundry her mother ordered her to do.

Eve started the laundry machine fast and started folding the clean clothes that were waiting on the desk.
"Eve! The movie was so boring I swear"
her sister started ranting.
"Oh I'm sorry it didn't go well"
"Oh well I have to go shower so bye!"

That's not what Eve wanted, to be left alone with her mother.

The clear favorites came from a weird reason. When Augustine was 17 years old, her boyfriend at that time James, got her pregnant and left her with one kid, Eva. Since she was born her mother didn't like her, she looked too much like her father, she remained Eva of him. At least that what she told herself.
Two years later her sister was born from Augustine's husband who had died when the younger girl was only 5 years old, she reminded Augustine of her father which made her love her even more.

Augustine stepped closer to Eva.
"These 2 hours and that all you could do?"
"I- I'm sorry I was distracted I'm sorry"
Eva flinched as her mother stepped closer to her.
"And once again, you fail. I give you the simplest tasks, yet you still fail"
With every word her mother said Eve got more scared.

Eva was sitting on her bed, her hand on her face feeling the black eye she had just got from her mother, the new scar on her wrist wrapped poorly with three bandages.
It had never gone this far, she must have been really bad.

She heard her phone buzz.

Scar: Hey you disappeared?

Eve: Yeah sorry my mom came home she was really mad. At least now I got a cool new scar! It looks like a heart

Scar: Wait scar? She hit you?

Eve: Yeah but don't worry about it I'm used to it

Scar: Eve I'm so so sorry can I do something? Do you want to call child services or something?

Eve: No no don't do anything I'm fine

The conversation continued, Eva trying to convince scarlet it's all okay while scarlet debating whether she should tell someone.
She couldn't tell her sister, she would just ignore her, her father was too busy to care and she didn't have a mother.
She didn't know what to do, she just knew she needed to do something.


Writing this late at night so sorry if it's not great

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