Chapter 3

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Scarlet: So when are we going to finally meet again?

Eve: Idk I don't really have a lot of time to meet and I'll have to convince my mother and she'll never agree

Scarlet: Oh ok I get it

Eve: Actually tomorrow my mother and sister are going to my grandparents house maybe we could meet then? But I won't have a lot of time just a few hours

Scarlet: Oh really??? Yess I've been dying to hang out with you more ever since we met!

Eve: I'm so excited!

Scarlet: me too!

Eva felt her cheeks warm up as she talked to scarlet, they decided to meet up at the same ice cream shop they met in and she was so excited.
Now she just needed to wait for her mother and sister to get out of the house the next morning, she could barely hold her excitement.


Scarlet startled as she heard a knock on her door.
She was in her room all day texting Eva, her mom was getting worried, Scarlet was usually a very outgoing person and it wasn't like her to stay in her room all day on weekends.

"Scar?" She heard her mother speaking.
"Uh yeah?"
The door opened slowly, her mother standing in the doorway wearing an old apron that had more stains on it than a color palette.
"Hi darling" her mother sat slowly on her bed.
"Are you feeling okay sweetie?"
She said holding a hand against scarlet's forehead.
"I'm great! Why?"
"You've been in your room all day... you usually hang out with friends or help me cook"
"Oh um I was just texting my friends"
Her mother looked at her suspecting a little.
"Which friend?"
"It's a new friend her name is Eva"
"Does she go to your school?"
"No I met her when me and Paris went to the ice cream shop a week ago, by the way I'm going there tomorrow morning"
"Ok honey, are you coming for dinner?"


Eva almost jumped hearing her sister smiling and jumping up and down.
Eva knew that she can't tell her sister she doesn't want to come, so she knew she needed to do something wrong so her mother would tell her to stay home.
"Really? I'm so glad. I'll try to finish everything"
"I'm so happy you might be coming!"
She really loved her sister, she was glad their mother wasn't treating her the same way, but sometimes it hurt seeing them so close and having fun.

She was standing in the kitchen doing dishes thinking about what she could do to annoy her mother and make her stay home.
Like she read her thoughts, her mother walked in the house drunk.
It was 11pm and she had a date that evening, the date didn't go well and it was clear. Eva knew it was her chance.

"How was your date?"
"Can't you see?"
"So it went well?" Eva tried to get on her mother's nerves by joking like that, her mother hated it.
It worked.
"Who are you trying to impress with those useless jokes?" Her mother stepped closer to her.
She didn't think about that.
Eva stepped back and looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it I wouldn't do it again I promise"
"You're talking too much it gives me a headache"
Augustine leaned on the counter, Eva thought she was safe, she went back to the sink to finish washing the last few dishes.
"You're trying to avoid punishment huh?"
Augustine laughed evilly.
Eva knew that when her mother was drunk she was much more violent than usual, she made a mistake coming to her when she was like this.

"I'll spare you today, you're lucky all you're getting is a slap" Augustine said after leaving a red mark on her daughter's face.
She ran to the bathroom and started throwing up, Eva running after her.

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