Chapter 9

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"Mom can I invite a friend over?" Betty said once she entered the kitchen. "Of course you can sweetheart, good morning" Augustine replied.
Since when does Betty have friends over?
But then Eva realized she could use it to meet Scarlet again.
"Maybe I should be out of the house so I don't disturb them" she said loud enough for only her and her mother to hear. "Great idea, you can go to the park or whatever" Augustine said smiling without noticing Eva's smirk.

Eve: I can meet up today! Are you free?
Scar: REALLY??? Ofc you can come to my house!
Eve: Thank youuu

Eva went out the house and started walking to Scarlet's house.
As soon as she reached her house she was greeted by a very excited girl. "Hi!! How are you?" Scarlet asked as Eva entered the house. "I'm good, how are you?" "I'm alright"
The girls continued to talk for about half an hour. "Do you want to watch a show?" Scarlet asked. "Yeah" Eva blushed remembering the last time they did so.
"Brooklyn 99?" Scarlet asked already searching for it on the tv. "Yes of course" Eva sat farther away from her, she didn't want anything to feel awkward.

However, being who they are, they did get closer, much like last time.
Oh god
She's so pretty
Eva thought about what it would be like to have Scarlet as more than a friend to her. It felt impossible yet destined, scary yet magical, different yet so similar. She didn't think about that for long though, since Scarlet turned her head to look at her, and she couldn't think of anything else besides how beautiful she was.
Scarlet and Eva both began to subconsciously lean in towards each other, this time with no sound to distract them.
"I want to kiss you" Scarlet whispered, filling Eva's stomach and chest with butterflies. "So, kiss me" Eva said casually, nonchalantly. quite literally the opposite of how she felt at the moment. And Scarlet did just as she said.
Her arms wrapping around Eva's neck, she leaned in even more, closed her eyes and kissed her.

It felt magical. More than either of them had imagined, and god knows they both imagined it a lot.
The show continued to play in the background as both girls had finally experienced what they wanted for such a long time. Their first kiss.
Eva couldn't help her blush as they pulled back, and seems that neither did Scarlet.
"I-" Scarlet's fingers found their way to her lips and she looked down. "I really liked it" Eva initiated the conversation for once. "I really like you" she chuckled nervously. Scarlet's eyes shot up to look into Eva's. She smiled softly. "I really like you too" she breathed deeply.


"You write?" Clara looked around Betty's room, Betty was sitting on the bed watching her. "Yeah, I like to write poems" she chuckled. "I write songs" Clara turned around to smile at her. "That's so cool! Do you plan on publishing them?" Betty was curious. "Maybe someday, when I'm older. For now I only do it for fun" Clara landed on the bed next to Betty.
"It's still really cool" Betty said. "Thank you" Clara smiled once again.
"Anyways I came here to plan how to help your sister didn't I?" She got to the point. "Yes, I have a video footage I took the other day, will it help?" "Yes it's going to help a lot if you decide to go to court, if not then I don't really know" Clara replied.

There was a moment of silence.
"Was it hard?"
"Was what hard?"
"Having to testify against your own father"
There was silence.
"It was hard. It still is. But there's nothing else I could do to stop it"
"I'm sorry that happened to you"
"That's alright, maybe with your mom it'll be different, maybe there's something else we could do to stop it" Clara got an idea.
"That's a really good idea! Let's see what we can do"


She likes me
She likes me back
I just want to kiss her again
"Scar?" Eva's voice cut through her thoughts. "Uhm yeah?" "What do we do now?" Eva sounded nervous again.
"I don't know" "me neither"
Neither of the girls knew what to say.
"Well do you want to be my girlfriend?" Eva asked and chuckled nervously.
Oh my god
Oh my god
Scarlet began to blush and the butterflies in her stomach wouldn't stop. "Yeah" she tried to answer calmly, but her voice turned her in and Eva could see right through her.
Both girls had the biggest smiles on their faces, and they kissed once more and went back to cuddling on the couch.


After an hour of brainstorming the girls gave up and were just lying on Betty's bed talking about everything.
"What's your favorite food?" Betty had run out of ideas of what to talk about. "Pasta. What about you?" Clara chuckled. "Burgers" Betty answered.
There was another moment of silence while the girls tried to find topics to talk about.
"What do you write your poems about?" Clara turned her head to look at Betty. "It's different every time, but usually how I feel in my family" Betty looked at an unfinished poem on her bedside table. "What do you write your songs about?" She asked Clara. "Same thing honestly, most were about the abuse" Clara sighed and turned her head back to the ceiling. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad that over" Betty put her hand on Clara's trying to show her support without pushing too much. "Thanks" Clara smiled softly.

"Betty!" Eva walked in the room excitedly. "You won't believe what just happened!" Eva was walking around her little sister's room until she noticed another girl there. "I'm sorry I forgot Betty had a friend over" Eva said to Clara. "That's okay, you're Eva, right?" "Yes, and you're?.." "I'm Clara" "nice to meet you" Eva said but her mind was somewhere else. "Betty I'll talk to you later okay? Tell me when you're free" Eva was about to step outside the room until Clara stopped her. "It's okay, I was about to go home anyways, bye Betty!" "Bye Clara!" Betty said and Clara stepped out of the room.

"Bett you won't believe it" Eva laid down on the bed next to her sister. "What happened?" Betty asked. "You know my friend? The one I went to her birthday party a while ago, the one we saw at the park" "yes, Scarlet, right?" Betty asked. "Yes. And well I don't really know if you know what that means or supports it but well uhm I kinda maybe am gay?" Eva was worried about how her sister would react, she hadn't thought about that. Betty thought about it for a second. "Honestly it doesn't really surprise me" Betty chuckled, and Eva let out a sigh of relief. "Well I'm glad you're okay with that. So anyways me and Scarlet kinda kissed" Eva blushed thinking about that moment. "Wait what??" "AND I might've asked her to be my girlfriend. And she might've said yes?" Eva smiled. Betty took a few seconds to process it. "Congratulations!" She smiled and hugged her sister.


Guys I'm sorry I took almost a month to write this I didn't have motivation

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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