Chapter 15

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Thank you to all that are supporting me (: Leave a comment to be noticed to be featured in the chapters! I want to be able to show my appreciation to you all! (: Love you so much!

I didn't know how to respond to that at all. I never had any intention on becoming close to any girl that I took in. They were just another helpless being to me and I've stopped caring about girls ever since what happened in my last relationship.

So as sweet as Maddie seemed, my mind took her kindness as a threat.


I woke up the next morning feeling a little nauseous but I brushed it off.

I turned to my right to see Maddison still asleep, lightly snoring. I smirked as slowly got off the bed, careful not to make a sound as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

She was on my mind the entire time and not in a sexual way. I was thinking about what she said last night...about wanting to get to know me better. A part of me hated myself for allowing her to become so comfortable around me, to allow her to let her guards down. But another part of me was okay with that.

It was like my mind and my heart were fighting each other, as cheesy as it sounds.

I admit, I was scared to hurt her last night when we were making out. Things were getting heated and normally, I would have had sex with any girl that I got the chance to have in my room. I only did it for pleasure, not because I actually had feelings for them.

But I could tell that Maddison was still a virgin and for some reason, I didn't want to take her virginity away from her. I didn't want her to make a mistake that she could regret.

I got out of the shower and quickly dried myself. I stepped out and made sure she was still asleep before putting on a pair of sweats and a tank and then heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Well look who woke up on the right side of bed today." Tori snickered as I made my way into the kitchen. "Good morning to you too." I mumbled as I cracked a few eggs into a fry-pan.

"I'm surprised I didn't hear you two arguing last night. I was expecting you to go off on her but, it was surprisingly quiet." I went on making the omelet as if I didn't hear her say anything at all.

"But I did hear the bed crease constantly..."

She was quick to dodge the oven mitt that I threw, aiming for her head.

"Leave it to you to ruin my mornings." I mumbled as she laughed.

"Well of course. It's my job to do so but you must admit it. You have a soft spot for her Mahone."

I watched her as she walked around the table, making sure there was safe distance between us.

"Come on. You can tell me anything." I looked her in the eye but I failed to keep a straight face.

"I knew it." She said smiling as if she won a prize.

"Why are you so happy?"

"To be honest, I've been rooting for you guys. I've been waiting for the bad boy to finally admit his feelings for the good girl" She said, in a dramatic tone.

"Mahone you've liked her since you brought her here."

"And you know

She got serious all of the sudden.

"I've realize that you seem to normally kill your 'victims' the second or third week. Madison is still alive."

Madison's P.O.V

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