Chapter 16

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I was sick and tired of Austin's obsessive mood swings. In the beginning, I was terrified every time he would began to get indignant but now I found it rude, and quite oblivious of him. I watched as he left the kitchen and went up the stairs. I stared at my arm that he had gotten a hold of, and noticed the red marks his grip had left on me.

I sighed and just sat back down. I had no energy to go up and speak my mind but if I did anything, he would have torn me into pieces.

I sat there flipping through a magazine as I finished my food. I honestly had no idea as to what I was to do.

Do I go and see him?

Do I just sit here?

Should I call Tori?

I realized for whatever reason, I was starting to get anxious about this situation for no reason and I couldn't afford to hurt myself over this.

I got up to the TV room and laid down on the couch and completely blacked out

Austin's P.O.V

I hated all of this.

I hated my how my feelings towards Maddison contrived my mood. I know she was just curious about the whole situation, but the thought of her getting involved with dangerous dissensions like what had recently happened, makes paranoid.

And because I have developed the fear of loosing her, I also become angry, thinking that have generated a weak spot for her.

And that's something I would never tolerate.

I paced back and forth in my room, thinking everything through.

Should I go and apologize?

Should I wait for Tori to get back?

Should I just go down there and pretend nothing happened?

Should I even care?

I decided to go downstairs and continue packing things up, and just pretend everything that had just occurred didn't.

I walked down the stairs, and made my way to the living room, to find Madison fast asleep.

Her upper body was resting on the couch, with her arms folded underneath her head, and the other half was on the floor.

I stood there in the middle of the room for a minute, just watching her sleep. Her breathing was leisure, and relaxed.

It was like all the stress, and pain had left her body. I walked towards and picked her up.

The guilt was continuing to increase.

I laid on the couch, and placed her body on top of mine, with her head resting on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, and planted a kiss on top of her head.

"Im sorry."


Later that day, Maddison and I finished packing up the boxes before Tori got home.

We were able to have an hour to ourselves, watching a movie and eating before she pulled up into the driveway.

"It's nice to see you two getting along."

Tori commented as she walked into the living room.

Maddison and I didn't budge from the couch. She was resting on top of me, and we were both quite comfortable in the state that we were in.

"Anyways, I saw the new house. Its quite amazing, and the amount of land we get is unbelievable. I forgot how many square metres the house is, but everything is in this folder."

She held a thick file that contained at least 100 sheets of paper.

"Please don't tell me I have to sign all of that..." I groaned.

"No not all. Some of them are just important documents, proving that you're the new owner of the house and land."

"Wait..." Maddison got up from the couch and turned to look at me.

"So is it official? We're moving into that house?"

Torie nodded.

"We've go to get out of here as soon as possible Maddison."

"But why? We're going through all of this just to run away from the cops. Why can't I just go home? Maybe you wouldn't have to go through all of this if you guys let me go."

"It's not that simple." I spoke up.

"Your sister is still out there, and you returning isn't going to change anything. The case will recommence, and if you don't know, I have become the number one suspect. Returning you wont change anything."

I could see the frustration in her eyes but I continued to ignore.

"You're keeping me in here because you're scared that they'll find you. If I return, and I'm asked about my abductor, than I'll simply name the guys I met in the ally that day. Simple."

"No, Maddison it's not that simple. Hasn't it occurred to you that if they asked those men about your abduction, they'll deny it, and mention the fact that I came along and killed one of their men?"

"But Austin all I would say is that you saved me."

I stared her down until she took a step back and looked over to Tori for some help.

Tori sighed and walked towards the dining table.

"Maddison whatever you do, Austin will be brought up in that story. If you even give them a hint that you had an encounter him, they will bombard you with questions and will trick you into answering some without you even noticing. You'll try to riposte but eventually, your mind will give in. Do you understand?"

Maddison eyes seemed to darken as she listened to Tori. Her cold eyes turned and stared at me for a while.

"This is all your fault."

"If it wasn't for me, your body would be rotting away in a garbage bag. Don't try to indict me for your unfortunate fate."

" Why couldn't you just have let me go the minute you found me?! It wasn't your job to save me!"

"My plan was never to save you. That particular group trespassed and I couldn't have given a dam about you. So let's not feel special now, shall we?"

I turned away, and headed for the kitchen.

"I swear to GOD Mahone!"

A few seconds later, I felt something concrete hit the back of my head, before hearing the sound of glass, shattering on the floor.

Maddison's P.O.V

Im not quite sure of what had influenced me to throw the glass plate at Austin, but the minute it flew in the air, the feeling of regret grew.

He turned around to look at the plate, before looking at me. Tori watched him as he stared at the shattered glass.

He slowly smiled as he kneeled down. He picked up a large piece with a sharp end, and started to analyze it.

"Do you know what's so funny?" He said, chuckling to himself.

"I could literally end this case for the police, in a click of a button."

And before I knew it, he chucked the piece of glass towards my direction, landing on my forehead,

Like a dart thrown at the dartboard.

I hope you guys liked this update. Its been literally months since I've posted and I apologize its school that has gotten in the way. But I tried and wrote an update for you guys. I'll try to wrote another update before the year ends (: Love you guys!! Happy Holidays!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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