Chapter Five

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Thank you guys for the support and for giving my book a chance <3 every single one have you have been so nice and supporting<3 You don't know how much it all means to me <3 Thank you <3

At this moment right now I was wishing that I had taken Martial Arts with Bailey like Mom had asked.

Self defense could be really useful in this situation.

Austin kept the gun at my throat as he pulled me into the hallway and up the stairs.

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, holding back a scream. He was pressing on my bruises.

"Making a move like that could get you killed babe." He whispered in my ear. I cringed when he called me babe.

Again, a flood of memories rushed into my mind.

After 3 flights of stairs, we reached the fourth floor and at the very end of that hallway was a room. The door was slightly open but I couldn't see what was in.

He let go of me but pointed the gun at the back of my head.

"Move." I didn't hesitate. I walked towards the room and slightly opened the door. If it wasn't for the state I was in, I would have been really impressed by the room.

It was all white with a splash of colour here and there. There was even a blue bean bag chair that looked similiar to the one Bailey had at home...

I walked in and just stood in the middle of the room. I turned around to face him. Pretty bold of me, I guess.

"Why are you keeping me here? Why can't you let me go?" He ignored my question and walked across the room to close the curtains.

"Can't you give me an answer?" He smirked when he heard the crack in my voice.

"I can. But I chose no to." He leaned against the wall, eyeing me. After a few minutes he got up and walked out the door.

I heard a little click afterwards, indicating that I was now locked in for good.

I started hyperventilating and broke down into a sob.

Why me? Why did I have to go through all this? I've done absolutely nothing wrong.

I had lost everything in such a short matter of time.

I went to the corner of the room and just sat there, with my head resting on my knees.


It has now been 24 hours since he locked me up. But the same questions ran through my head every minute

Where was Bailey? Did the other men kill her?

What about Mom? Has she realised that we were missing?

How long was it untill I was going to be rescued? Was Austin going to kill me?

My thoughts were broken when the door opened and Tori walked in, carrying a plate.

"Hope you like leftover spaghetti." She muttered as she placed the dish in front of me and walked right out again.

I looked at the food. It didn't look bad actually but my appetite had left along time ago.

Why were they even feeding me? Did'nt they all want me dead...?Now I was angry. I was fed up with these people and their ways.

They don't own me.

Adrenaline was running through me and I just couldn't control myself. I picked up strands of spaghetti, throwing them everywhere, making sure to stain the white walls and furniture with the sauce.

I don't care If I was being childish. I just wanted to make them mad. Especially that Austin guy.

After I was done with the spaghetti, I grabbed the plate and smashed it against the wall. I knocked the furniture around including the couch and the desk.

For some reason, as I trashed the room, I was feeling better about everything. It felt good to let my anger out. I looked around to find something else to destroy.

I grabbed the lamp standing on the night table. I carried it over where there was a long mirror, hanging on the closet door. I swung the lamp as if it was a baseball bat.

The mirror broke instantly and I watched as the cracks were slowly forming. The light bulb from the lamp had shattered but there was a glow coming from the moon, shining in the room.

The small smile on my face quickly fell when I saw Austin in the mirror.

I turned around to see him by the door staring at me with a look that I swear could kill.

He walked in on me, locking the door behind him.

"The fuck...?" He looked around the room in shock. "You did this?" I didn't answer. I dropped the lamp and moved back.

I tried to jump over the bed to get away from him but he took two long strides and grabbed me.

"Please stop!!!" I screamed. He was holding on to me so tightly.

I struggled and screamed. I was kicking and thrashing, trying to escape his grip around me. I didn't stop screaming even though my throat was killing me.

"Leave me alone!!" I screamed out. He pushed me against the wall, with his body pressing against mine but I continued thrashing and screaming.

"I don't think so."

I felt something sharp run across my stomach, deeply.

I screamed and he moved back. I fell on to my knees, holding on to my stomach.

My sweater felt drenched all of the sudden. I looked up, breathing hard.

He looked back at me with a smirk as he leaned against the wall on his side.

"Don't tempt me." He said in a low tone.

He was holding a bloody pocket knife.

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