Chapter Two

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I was more than glad that it was Friday the next day. I just wanted to get this week over with.

I took a shower and than dragged myself downstairs, following the delicious scent of eggs and bacon. As I walked in, I expected my mom to be in the kitchen. But instead it was Bailey.

 "Hey." She said giving me a small smile. I returned the smile half-heartily.

"Where's mom?" I asked, packing my lunch.

"She left early for work. Are you going to stay for breakfast?" I nodded.

 I quickly ate the eggs and bacon, half expecting to drop dead or break into hides because Bailey isn't exactly the best cook...but they were pretty good.

"I'll see you after school okay?" I said putting the plate in the sink.

 "Okay...Maddie?" I turned to listen to whatever she had to say.

"After school...can we go to downtown and just wander old times?"

Her green eyes seemed so sad as they stared back at mine. I honestly don't remember the last time Bailey and I hung out. I sighed. 

"Sure...why not?" She ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my God thank you!" Bailey's hug seemed to bring a little life into me.

That hug had made my day.

Sort of.

But the fact that Quinn was ignoring me wasn't making it any better.

But I don't blame her. I've been avoiding her all week and I guess she wasn't that stupid to believe that homework was the reason why I wasn't hanging out with her. 

I went to my classes and just sat at the back as usual. I never participated even though I used to be a teacher's pet.

Science was the only class where I actually socialized. With one person only. Quinn. 

But She still didn't want to talk to me. I didn't bother trying to start a conversation.

The final bell finally rang, dismissing us from school. I gathered my books up and left the class in a rush to meet Bailey by the park. 

As I put my coat on I notice three guys walking down the hall, looking at me. It was the same three guys that I saw yesterday.

I quickly closed my locker door, slamming it by accident. Some people stared at me as if I was crazy as I speed walked right out of the school.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe we're actually here!"

Bailey kept saying as we walked down the streets of New York. "We haven't done this in forever!" 

To be honest I had no intentions on being here, walking down a noisy street on a Friday. But this was for Bailey. She kept running in and out of shops and antique stores, buying whatever caught her eye.

 As for me, I would normally join her, getting excited about the same things. But this time I just looked around, with my hands in my pockets.

"Maddy isn't this cute?" Bailey held up a silver chain with a green pendant on it.

"Mhm." I answered. She ran to the cashier to pay. My phone buzzed in my pockets. It was a text from mom. 

"I want you two home now. It's getting late." 

I looked out the shop window and realised that it was getting dark and the street lamps were turning on.

That's when I noticed 5 black figures from across the street.

It looked like they were staring at me... 

"Bailey? Mom wants us home." She nodded and followed me out of the shop. I looked back at the figures and I had a creepy feeling that they were watching. 

"This way." I held on to her coat sleeve, pulling her along. I started to speed walk as I realised they were walking the same direction as us.

"Oh my god..." I breathed out. They were stalking us.

 "Maddy what's wrong?" I ignored Bailey's question for the billionth time this week. I kept walking straight not looking back at them. 

"Hey...isn't the bus stop that way?" I kept dragging her. I didn't have the time to explain at all.

I looked back and my heart seemed to stop for a second.

They had crossed the street and now were only a few metres away from us. Bailey was now starting realise that we were being followed. 

"Oh my God... Maddie!" 

"Run!" we started running for our lives. The fact that I had asthma wasn't helping but I kept running anyways.

 "This way!" We turned left and ran. I kept running until I realised that the sound of Bailey's footsteps had disappeared.


Than a hand went over my mouth and an arm wrapped around me tightly, pressing on my bruises.

I struggled as his grasp became tighter.

The pain was killing me. He threw me over his shoulder and started to carry me deeper into the alley.

I kept screaming for help and just plainly screamed because my body felt like it was on fire but no body could hear me.

Shots were being fired.

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