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Kripa looked over the training fields sharply before turning towards the youngest recruit among them, Adhiratha's firstborn. After do maheene since Adhiratha's second son was given a death sentence for the crime of hearing sacred scriptures no suta, here his lips curled, has right to learn... The firstborn has been sent to the army.

Usually, Kripa or Bheesma would have refused. The boy is only one and ten varsh old and sutas are usually recruited into the army at six and ten varsh old. However, Adhiratha came to them with folded hands begging for his son's inclusion into the army.

"Please Gurudev..." He begged on his knees. "Vasu was not himself after Shon's death. He stopped talking to anyone and started skipping meals. He lost his smile and is melancholic most of the day. He is losing himself day after day and I fear if he goes on this way he'll die." He sobbed. "Before Shon's death, Vasu wished to learn art of war. He was born with natural armour because we prayed for a child. Last week he flayed himself to take it off. We would have lost him too if Padmavathi, his friend, hadn't gone searching for him. I don't know what he will do next. Please take him in so his mind will be occupied by something other than the death of his brother."

Unable to deny the faithful charioteer's plea, they acquiesced asking him to bring the child to them.

One look at the boy made Kripa understand why Adhiratha and his wife feared for their son's life. Both he and Bhisma were shocked at the emptiness staring back at them in the form of the child. His face was vacant as he noticed their presence and he simply stared at them. It was like someone had sucked the life out of him and he was void of emotions, feelings, and all that made life worth living. He was pale and gaunt with hollowed cheeks and a thin body. Nudged by his father, he bowed at their feet.

"Pranaam Mahamahima Bhisma. Pranaam Guru Kripa." He spoke with a surprisingly strong voice. "My name is Vasusena but except for mata and pita everyone calls me Radheya."

"Today we will go over the basics and see how well you can fight unarmed. Mala Yudh is basic which every warrior has to learn if they ever were to lose a weapon. Have you ever learned how to do so?" Kripa spoke after a few moments.

"No Guru Kripa." The boy replied softly.

"Very well. We will see how you fare against older recruits. Mala Yudh Bhoomi is over there." Kripa ordered. "Vinda come over here."

A lean bronze-skinned man walked towards them and bowed to the Guru. "Vinda this is Vasusena, Adhiratha's firstborn son. Spar with him so I may gauge his capabilities."

"Ready, begin!"

Vinda began to circle Vasu and performed a few mock lunges to throw the boy off and lose his balance. The boy looked dull and lifeless as he was before and didn't even bother to react to his taunts. When he realized that Vasu wasn't going to fall for his tricks, the man came in and threw a few punches that while fast would still allow a beginner to dodge and evade.

What any of the people around didn't count on was Vasu grabbing the outstretched appendage and pulling with all his might. The older student was caught off guard by the move and the man soon found himself launched out of the ring and a great deal away from the group. The act was unexpected but not dangerous or life-threatening as the man flipped and righted himself in the air before he landed in a crouch.

That was beyond what any of them had anticipated from a beginner. But jarring is the change in the face of the child. Gone was his apathy replaced by focus and sheer determination. Kripa then sent for other warriors to test the child but the boy fought like a bull. None of the older students have lasted long against him. Vasu was not skilled like others but despite how many punches that were thrown against him he bore without crying out loud and once any opponent made a mistake of getting into his grasp or staying still for any moment of time, they were thrown outside the ring like a rag doll.

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