The Foundation of an odd friendship

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"Prince Suyodhana... you are not hated because you are born during a durmuhurtham. Parameshwar... no. They timed your birth during durmuhurtham so that you'll be the villain in the story of the Pandava Princes. You might think that the elders of Hasthinapur hated you because you were an ill-omen and arrogant child. Let me clarify this, they hated you even before you were born."

- A Charioteer to the Crown Prince of Hasthinapur.


I started to have a bit of a soft spot for villains after I completed my graduation. And you'd be a bit shocked when you learn who in my eyes is one of the best villains in Mahabharat. I bet you'll never be able to guess him. Don't comment here just PM me or comment in poll here. Whoever guessed my character right I'll write a chapter based on their wish. I loved that character immensely for his dedication to his family and his hard choices. In entirety of Mahabharat he was the one who took the hardest choices and suffered in silence. I want you guys to guess who it is.

The character will be revealed in chapter 10. 

Link to the poll :


Chapter Text

Suyodhana started to wonder whether the premonition of life he lived was actually his or not. The first glaring difference, when he came to the past, was the death of his uncle Gandhar Naresh Shakuni.

He never know a time in his previous life when his uncle was not by his side. There is not a single person in his life who supported him, regardless of whatever adharma he committed, except for his uncle. When the sneers of the palace hurt his childish heart, it was his uncle who consoled him in that process. Yes... he does agree that his uncle was one of the reasons why he was such an asshole, but a child who does not know what is right and wrong does not care about that. They only crave love from someone. Hell, his entire perspective of right and wrong have been molded by his uncle.

So when he heard that he died four years ago, even though Gandharraj might be one of the reasons for the downfall of Kuru Vansh... he mourned him in private. He still did not understand why his uncle molded him to be an asshole. Gandharraj was an extremely intelligent person and he knew the effect his actions have on Suyodhana so it's not an fortuitous choice. It was a deliberate one. Suyodhana is missing some, maybe several pieces in this puzzle. And the only person who could answer those questions is dead.

They said that no one knew how he was killed. He was killed with Brahmastra, they said. There are not many warriors who could wield that astra and yet the killer was not found. Really odd.

'When two people meet...their destinies also meet with them.' It was said. Sahadev told him that he swore to kill his uncle Shakuni because Gandharraj's evil deeds impacted with his (Suyodhan's) destiny and was the cause of Kurukshetra war. For that reason, Suyodhan thought that it might be Vasudev who might have killed his uncle, before dismissing it entirely. Since when has the great Lord Keshav ever cared about his or his brothers' well-being. Because if he did there would be no war to begin with. Or so many of his brothers would not have died.

The second glaring difference is seen in himself. Both physically and mentally.

Suyodhana, even in his previous life, cannot be called weak in terms of physical strength. He might not have that rakshasha Bhimasen's physique or strength, but he was a strong man and was considered to be one of the best wrestlers of his generation. But at the age of one and ten years in his previous life, he was not this built and graceful as he is now. He was this strong only after two years of training under Guru Drona in his previous life. It seems like he had taken up wrestling even earlier than his previous life and he was shocked to learn who his teacher was.

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