Memories of a Doomed Star...

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"You did promise Parameshwar to always follow Dharma. You also said that any dharma you missed in past lives, you'd make up for in this one," Krishna reminded him, his voice steady. Vasusena nodded.

"Then why aren't you standing with your brothers, who are linked to you not just by blood but by their just cause?"


Observing the heated conversation between Krishna and Vasusena from his snowy abode, a subtle smile curved the lips of Parameshwara, a blend of anticipation and serenity making his divine orbs sparkle and his tiger-skin clad, soot-stained, wiry form alive with exultation.

When he should have been immersed in Yoga-Nidra, that same intense meditation which took mortals ages of penance in unfathomably extreme conditions at remote locations to penetrate and draw the attention of Pashupati to their pleas, he now stood awake, leaning towards the screen of mist that performed the dual purpose of revealing the much-awaited encounter between Adhirathi and Vasudeva as well as guard the onlooker from the omniscient gaze of Narayana, waiting eagerly for the answer his current student would give.

The decision Vasusena would make at this crucial moment would shape the future of the universe, determining the course of cosmic events. In his previous life, Vasusena made several wrong choices which crippled his potential. Shiva was very eager to know the choices Vasusena would make in this life.

A deep exhale, filled with the sorrow of wasted potential and the unjustness of justice left the cosmic chest of Uma-pati as he recalled the world where the brilliance of the Suryaputra would have been forcefully snuffed out on a blood-soaked field and immortalized in words on the pages of history.

A world where Vasusena's previous life, akin to the life cycle of a star, was filled with moments of unparalleled brilliance and periods of profound darkness that eventually consumed him without mercy.

Smiling softly Shiva opened another screen of mist to watch the experiences which forged his present student into the person he became once again.

Protostar Phase

The first phase of a star's life cycle is the protostar phase. This is when the foundation of a star is laid, determining the kind of life it will have. This is the time where the star gathers strength... This is the phase where it will be determined weather the star will be a Giant star or a Small Star.

To Princess Pritha, Vasusena's birth could not have been anything but a mistake and a stain on the honour of her adopted father. She had abandoned him at birth, casting him away due to her fears and societal pressures. A child who should have been a prince had been floated away on the river Ganga because his mother placed her beliefs about her honour and her adopted father's honour above the well-being of her firstborn.

****How strange was the way life worked! Whenever Vasusena had encountered Queen Kunti in the halls of his dearest friend's residence she had been polite and interested in his well-being, the very picture of a royal asking after another royal (Where is your affection? Your care? Do you not love me mother?).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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