| 9 | Into the Fire

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I walk into my precinct, bright and early on Saturday, smiling even though I'm scared shitless. "Good mornin', Miss Abilene," I greet our receptionist.

If I want something from her, it requires some sugar and some buttering up. And I've got just the thing. I've already had two myself.

Abilene eyes me over her bifocals as I approach the reception counter with more intent than usual. "Hi, sweetie," she says hesitantly. "How ya holding up?"

"All right," I gloss it all over. It is, and isn't all right, and I'm sure she's heard something—that's why she's asking—but my goal is to keep it under wraps, or the whole town will know by lunchtime. "I got ya something..." I reveal the bag behind my back and place it on the counter. "It's still warm."

"Is that what I think it is?" She scoots to the edge of her seat and clears a place for it on the desk.

"Yes, ma'am." It's a pecan cinnamon swirl muffin from Dottie's . . . her favorite.

"Well, I'm just tickled pink!" She snatches the bag with a smile and places the muffin on the flattened bag before her. Then she puts her serious face back on. "Now what is it you want, Officer Bishop?"

"Can't I just be happy to see you?" I try smiling back.

She blinks at me twice, and then the muffin conquers all. She peels off a sugary edge and pops it in her mouth. It's the happiest I've seen her all week.  

"A look at next week's schedule, if you would be so kind." Might as well not beat around the bush.

After she swallows, she tsks and shakes her head. "You know it's not out until tomorrow. It's not even finished yet."

"Great. That means I'm not too late. If at all possible, could you push me out toward the end of the week? Pretty please with a cherry on top? I'll work next Friday through Sunday if necessary..."

I lean back for a peek through the glass beside my supervisor's door. He wanted to see me first thing and I know he's in there. He's on the phone, though. His voice tends to carry, and it went quiet for a second, but it appears he's just enduring a stint where he's forced to listen.

"Well, I can try, Grady," she sings to me in her heavy drawl. "But I can't do much about this Monday. Waylan has that medical procedure and Rodriguez leaves for vacation tomorrow."

I cringe. Monday's the day I really needed. To do this Dallas thing right, Taryn and I may need more than just tomorrow. Just to be safe, I wanted at least a few days off, and it's far too late to request the time officially.

"I suppose you could always ask Knox to cover for you." She looks amused and lifts an eyebrow.

I massage the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "That's what I was afraid of."

"You two on the outs?" She tosses a muffin crumb in her mouth like it's popcorn. "Is this about that Abernathy girl? The young one."

"Maybe." I bend over backwards for another look through the window. Is he done yet?

"Does maybe mean you're wooing that girl now?" She says "that" like I've been wooing others when I haven't had the time, opportunity, or inclination. I can't claim never, but it's been a while.

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