| 16 | Get it Done

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After the necessary convenience store purchase, I'm peeling my lips away from Taryn's, just so I can unlock our motel-room door

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After the necessary convenience store purchase, I'm peeling my lips away from Taryn's, just so I can unlock our motel-room door.

She's facing me, on my left-hand side. Her mouth falls between my ear and neck. My hand is splayed across her bare lower back. Our feet are intertwined. By my back and right side, she's tugging the shirt out from beneath my belt before we're even through the door.

We somehow manage to stagger inside. In the greenish tint of the bathroom light we left on, I kick the door shut behind me, hastily lock it, and toss my hat to the table, all while our lips, hands, and body parts are hard at play.

Taryn finishes getting my shirt untucked. I work on the buttons. She kicks off her boots. Her skirt drops to the floor. I get rid of my boots, too. And then I tug the backs of her bare legs, and she jumps into my hands. With me carrying her, her long legs wrapped around my waist, we leave a trail of clothing along the way to her bed.

We collapse to the mattress, kick through to the sheet level with me between her legs, barely missing a kiss, anywhere we can make contact. We're still somewhat clothed but mostly not.

The kissing slows and deepens. It remains mouth to mouth for a short while. We should take a moment to catch our breaths, but it's hard. She's so damn enticing.

It may be a bad time to talk, but I can't, in good conscience, proceed without it. "I'm not pressuring you, am I?" I break away to ask, still panting. "Any concerns or misgivings I should know about? Regret, confusion, discontent? Medical problems, even...?"

"Grady..." She kisses me forcefully, and then pulls her bra over her head. "If you don't get on with it already, I think I might scream."


Her breasts bounce but stabilize quickly. They have this gravity-defying firmness and come to an impressive peak for how slim she is. Her nipples are a youthful pink, like her lips. They capture the eye in a way that makes me feel young again, and they demand a taste. A nip on one and slow savor of the other. She moans at the slightest suction. Her hips buck toward my chest.

I want to thrust back and let nature take its course, but there are barriers. Actual ones—two pairs of underwear—and the unfortunate one we must impose. There was a lapse in her birth control. Money was tight for her, and the necessity was a question mark. And, well, the only way forward is in my pants pocket about half a room away. We were planning for this, just not well.

Indulging myself down the length of her abdomen, thorough as I may be . . . I could spend all day sampling her flat, athletic stomach. It's sensitive and ticklish, smells good, and tastes better. But I cut it short a few inches below her belly button. I was getting her all hot and bothered and she blows out a sigh when I bound out of bed. I like that she's impatient, but I know she understands. She was the one who brought up protection when I was too distracted to ask the right questions.

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