🔥 Defiance 🔥

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Dustfinger snapped awake, hitting his head on the stone wall behind him. Basta stood at the doorway, a torch in hand. Dustfinger glanced at the coffins, then pushed himself to his feet, wincing at his sore muscles. The torchlight was harsh to his eyes and he blinked groggily.

Basta smirked. "You look tired. Didn't sleep well?"

Dustfinger stared behind him into the crypt, a cold tingle running down his spine.

"Out," Basta said, glaring. "You have work to do. I disagree with Capricorn, but he's made his decision. Now get on with it or I'll leave you in here for another night."

He limped stiffly through the gates, breathing with relief. He was bruised, sore, and tired but still in one piece.

Basta handed Dustfinger his knife. "Capricorn will see you immediately."

Dustfinger nodded, tucking the blade back in his sleeve. He followed behind Basta, each step lighter as it carried him farther from the crypt. As he came back to the main den, the fire-raisers jeered at him. He avoided their eyes. It wasn't the first time he had been locked down there.

"Come in."

Dustfinger ducked through the wide door. Capricorn's room was wide and tall, with a regal bed and a chest for his belongings. No one else had such privileges, besides perhaps Basta, who slept in the room next to Capricorn's. Candles lined the room's crevices, lighting the space with flickering shadows.

Capricorn sat at his desk on what once might have been the bishop's chair. His knife lay unsheathed on the table, the candlelight reflecting off the blade's smooth surface. Capricorn held a parchment by the light of a candle. Dustfinger's gaze was drawn to the words, his greedy eyes soaking in each letter. He didn't know how to read, but he recognized some of the characters. Capricorn cleared his throat and Dustfinger looked away, shame heating his face.

"You asked for me?"

Capricorn smiled, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "I trust the crypt was comfortable?"

He dropped his gaze, his fingers prickling. "Of course not."

"Good." He sat up, picked up his knife, and stabbed it into the tabletop. The nick only added to the scattered chips in the wood. "I trust you've learned your lesson." At Dustfinger's wary look, he added, "Relax, I'm not going to kill you. I have a task for you."

Dustfinger straightened his shoulders. "What is it?"

"You will go to the market this afternoon. Steal what coin you can while you're there, but I want you to do something for me."

"Anything," Dustfinger said, regretting the words even as they fell from his lips.

"Go to the castle. Scout out the guards. Keep tabs on the response to the attack. I want to know the exact number of men they have patrolling the grounds." He tightened his hands over the table's edge, leaning forward and meeting Dustfinger's eyes. "I am willing to forgive what happened last night but listen to me when I tell you this. If you disobey me now, I will permanently arrange for you a coffin in the crypt, do you understand?"

Dustfinger fought the bile in his throat and nodded, blinking hard to hide the sting in his eyes.

Capricorn nodded. "Very good. You won't disappoint me."

He nodded and backed out of the room. He headed towards the tunnel leading back up to the old church, when someone stepped in front of him. He ran head-first into him, stumbling back and grabbing for his knife.

"Calm down, Dustfinger." Maalik said, giving him a sly smile. "You seem skittish today. Where are you off to, might I ask?"

Dustfinger rolled his eyes. "It's none of your business."

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