Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Featherkit could hear strange voices around her and standing in an unknown place alone, as a five-moon old kit, was making shivers ripple down her spine. Featherkit. Featherkit. Featherkit. A strange voice echoed in her head. Listen to me.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Featherkit squeaked out, trying to sound brave.

I am Slimtail of Starleaf. You need to know something. You will be the next medicine cat of SunClan.

"Why? How?" Featherkit asked nervously. Only a glimmer of silver can save us all. Darkness began to creep towards her. "Wait! Tell me what you mean!" Featherkit shouted desperately as it engulfed her.

"Featherkit! Wake up!" Featherkit blinked open her eyes and saw her mother, Silverpool, standing over her with a worried look. Looking around, Featherkit found that she wasn't in the strange place but in the nursery.

"Mother, can I... can I talk to Twigfur and Sparkflight? It's important." Featherkit asked.

"Of course you can, sweetie. But why? Are you feeling sick?" Silverpool fretted.

"No, I just... I think I just saw Starleaf." Featherkit shuddered.

Licking her head gently, Silverpool picked up Featherkit by her scruff and brought her to the medicine den.

"Twigfur? Sparkflight? I think we need to talk." Silverpool set Featherkit on the floor.

"What is it Silverpool?" Twigfur asked, emerging from the ferns that sheltered her den.

"Featherkit has been having dreams from Starleaf." Silverpool replied.

Twigfur stared at Silverpool and then glanced at Featherkit. "Lie down in a nest and I'll fetch Sparkflight." She finally meowed.

Featherkit settled down in a mossy nest and curled her tail around her paws. Silverpool lay down behind her. A few heartbeats later, Twigfur came back with Sparkflight. Twigfur was carrying some herbs and dropped them in front of Featherkit.

"Here, eat this." She coaxed Featherkit. "It's thyme, to help her recover from the shock." Twigfur added to Silverpool, who nodded approvingly.

"So, tell me. What did you see in your dream?" Sparkflight asked tenderly.

Featherkit started, "Well, I woke up in a weird, strange place and Creamkit and Stormkit weren't with me. There was nobody there. I could hear unfamiliar voices talking around me. And then one of them spoke to me. He said his name was Slimtail, I think?"

The three adult cats gasped, casting shocked glances at each other.

"Keep going Featherkit." Twigfur encouraged.

"Slimtail said that I would be the next medicine cat of SunClan. And there was something else. Something about silver. Oh yes! He said, 'Only a glimmer of silver can save us all'. And then darkness came and I woke up in the nursery." Featherkit finished.

Twigfur and Sparkflight exchanged a glance.

"Featherkit, that was no ordinary dream you saw. That was a prophecy. Slimtail was the medicine cat before me." Twigfur murmured slowly.

"A-a prophecy?" Featherkit stammered.

"Yes, a prophecy." Sparkflight nodded.

"But why send it to me? Why not to you?" Featherkit questioned.

"Because you will be the next medicine cat. Just like Slimtail said." Twigfur meowed.

"You've always seemed interested in healing, haven't you?" Sparkflight asked.

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