Chapter 3
Feathermist glanced at her sister yearningly.
Two moons had past since Feathermist and Creamfrost visited the Crystal-Stone. Creamfrost was sharing tongues with Softfur and unaware of Feathermist looking at her enviously.
How is it fair when medicine cats can't have mates!
A pregnant Fernleaf and Blazingshine, her mate, were sharing a plump thrush together.
Suddenly, a loud yowl sounded from behind Feathermist. Blacktail was supporting Needleleaf towards the medicine den. The black and grey kit-mother was stumbling, her flanks were heaving and eyes were glazed with pain.
Feathermist jolted out of her thoughts and supported Needleleaf on her other side.
"Come on. Come to the medicine den. It's only a few steps." Feathermist urged.
Finally reaching the medicine den, Needleleaf collapsed onto a nest, panting heavily.
"Sparkflight! Help! Needleleaf's kitting!" Feathermist called.
"Sparkflight's out collecting herbs!" Blacktail gasped.
Feathermist placed her paws low on Needleleaf's belly. She could feel the kit coming out.
"Go get a stick." She ordered Blacktail.
Blacktail came rushing back with a stick. "This good?"
Feathermist nodded. "Needleleaf, you're going to be fine. Here, bite down on the stick when the pain comes." Feathermist soothed and pushed the stick towards the kit-mother.
Needleleaf grabbed the stick and clamped down as more pain came. Needleleaf's body rippled with pain and she cried out.
"You're doing fine!" Blacktail reassured.
"Don't worry. Just push." Feathermist instructed.
As she spoke, a small, wet shape slipped out of Needleleaf. Feathermist nipped the birth sac open and gave the kit to Blacktail.
"Lick it." She mewed.
Immediately, Blacktail leapt into action, licking vigorously at his kit. Needleleaf wailed in agony again. Feathermist turned back to her and felt for the unborn kits in Needleleaf's belly.
"I can't do it! It's stuck!" Needleleaf screamed.
"This is going to hurt Needleleaf but you have to face it. Alright?" Feathermist meowed. Needleleaf nodded feebly.
Feathermist gritted her teeth. As much as she hated doing this, she knew that it'll work.
Putting both forepaws on Needleleaf's lower half of her belly, Feathermist pushed down. Needleleaf screeched. Feathermist kept pushing down on Needleleaf's body until another shape wriggled out. Repeating the process as she did with the other kit, Feathermist began to lick the kit.
"That's it, Needleleaf. You did so well!" Feathermist praised, between licks.
"Thank you Feathermist. I would've died without your help." Needleleaf sighed.
Feathermist nudged both kits to Needleleaf. Their wails of hunger stopped when they started to suckle.
"I'll fetch you some borage later. Shall I leave you here? Will you be alright with Blacktail?" Feathermist asked.
Needleleaf nodded.
Feathermist met Snowmist outside. "You did so well!" Snowmist smiled, with a knowing look on his face.
Feathermist's Secret
ФэнтезиDestined to become SunClan's next medicine cat, Feathermist struggles between having loyalty to her clan and her duties as a healer. Trying to fulfil the path that is laid out for her, Feathermist unwittingly falls in love with a young tom and break...