The Lost City

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*Act 6, Scene 1*

Though the dragon was freed and the Nightmare storm reversed, our heroes fail to celebrate their victory despite a warm welcome home.

Drunk at a bar in Metroglade, Dwayne does his best to forget that which he lost.

"Are you sure you haven't had enough?" The bartender says.

An intimidating glare strikes Dwayne's target. He pours Dwayne another drink.

Then out of nowhere, something speaks to Dwayne. "Find the lost city, you'll find him there. Seek the circle in the square."

Dwayne jerks up, stands away from the bar then immediately collapses. It takes a lot of alcohol to knock out a cyborg, and a lot of alcohol he did have.

Dwayne passed out.

*Act 6, Scene 2*

Boom! Clattering pots and pans are scattered across the kitchen, and a whirling robot is going haywire in the Jones house.

"Fabius, get your damn bot under control!" Yells Atticus.

Gladius leaps forward and grapples the whirling robot like a professional wrestler.

"Another busted invention, hm?" Vadius Jones mocks

"Enough, it would have been perfect if you didn't get syrup in its systems, imbecile!" Fabius claims

Vadius takes two steps forward, but Atticus stops him.

A butler announces the arrival of Dwayne, from the Green Lands.

"Dwayne? I haven't seen you since-" Gladius is cut off

"Since we lost Ryan." Dwayne finishes

"Since we saved the world." Gladius corrects.

An awkward silence falls upon the house.

Gladius releases the robot which starts another rampage, chased off by Fabius and Vadius. He walks to Dwayne.

One arm on Dwayne's shoulder "Listen" Gladius says "We wouldn't be here today without his sacrifice. If I could bring him back I would, but he's gone. And you don't have to move on today or tomorrow, but you can't stay here forever."

"But that's just it, we can bring him back!" Dwayne announces "Something spoke to me yesterday, Ryan talked about hearing a disturbing voice, and I think that voice wants me to find Ryan!"

Gladius is stunned

"It said 'find the lost city, you'll find him there, seek the circle in the square" Dwayne looks at Gladius expecting an answer.

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