chapter forty-seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Marcel Gerard smiled and waved as he came out of the room marked PRINCIPLE ANDREWS with a couple of papers in his hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you. Please, don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need me or my family's assistance."

Henrik widened his eyes in questioning as Marcel walked past the two kids who were sitting in the sitting room, waiting for Marcel to get done talking. "Well, did he agree to not expel her?"

Marcel looked back and forth between Henrik and Isabel before smiling. "Of course, he did," Marcel nodded, resulting in the first smile he had seen Isabel with since he walked into this school. "You'll get a couple of days of detention, but as far as being expelled goes, you're good."

"Thank you so much, Mr... Mikaelson?" Isabel asked, never catching Marcel's last name. Before he could correct her, he turned over.

"Now, Henrik," Marcel called. "You, however, threw the first punch at Steven, so while I was able to. persuade... him against expelling you, he has already contacted Elijah. And you and I both know he won't be pleased."

Henrik groaned. Of course, Elijah would have to know. And sure enough, he would be sent to his room like a child instead of a being that's been around for more than a thousand years. "That's fantastic news," Henrik mocked sarcastically.

With an eye roll, Marcel sent his attention back to Isabel. "You are being sent home for the rest of the day," Marcel admitted. "Both of you are," He added. "Are your parents at work?"

"Umm... yes," Isabel said slowly.

"Well, come on," Marcel beckoned. "I'll drop you off at home."

Isabel shook her head frantically. "Oh! It's fine. I'll walk!"

"In New Orleans?" Marcel questioned with a head tilt. "At what? 15 years old?"

"First of all, I'm sixteen," Isabel started. "And second, it's really not that far."

Marcel chuckled under his breath. "My apologies. Walking any distance in New Orleans at any age, even sixteen, isn't desirable. So, unless you want me to ask Principal Andrews to call your parents, I'm going to have to drop you off at home."

Isabel cursed under her breath. "No, it's fine," She sighed. "I'll just ride with you."

Marcel smiled. "Great! Come on, both of you."

The ride to the Collins household was silent. Isabel's home was farther away than she tried to anticipate which she tried to hide by scooting down in her seat and hiding. As many times as she's walked home from school, no one had cared enough to actually see to it that she made it safely.

Until now.

"Well, here we are," Marcel announced, pulling up to the small, abandoned house a little. Marcel winced as he took in the surroundings. There was mold forming on the outside, the grass was too long to be normal, and above all, a couple of the windows had holes in them. "Is this..." He started slowly. "Your home?"

Before she could answer, the front door swung open, creaking loudly as it did.

"IZZY!" A small voice screamed.

"Theo!" Isabel exclaimed, running out of the car. Marcel hadn't pulled up in the driveway which meant her little brother would run out into the street just to get to her. "What did I tell you about that?" She scolded when she finally had the little boy in her arms.

"Sorry." He admitted, looking down before rubbing his stomach. "Wan' chick'en nuggets."

Before Isabel responded, she looked up to realize that Marcel was still standing there, watching as the scene unfolded. She coughed, moving Theodore behind her as she stood. "Well, I'm home now. So you can go. Thanks for the ride."

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