🌊chapter 1🌊

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By the was I'm not good at fighting parts and stuff so I will try my best

~No one's POV~

After a few hours running around the forest trying to find the demon giyuu was supposed to slay
She heard something, looking at the direction she heard the sound she saw the demon she was supposed to slay
"I'll try to make this quick as possible" giyuu though as she quietly and slowly started walking towards the say demon

As the forest was to dark to see she didn't notice the branch she stood on she stop moving as she heard a branch snap not knowing she did it. the demon look at her direction Making giyuu drawn out her sword and begins to defend and attack. As the demon sprint up to giyuu she swiftly dodge the attack

Giyuu try slashing the demon but the demon dodge the attack by doing two backflip and scream out "blood demon art: blood clouds!" As she say that, blood clouds surrounded giyuu making her not be unable to see clearly and not see were the demon is at. Giyuu was about to attack with her breathing technique but a bright green light suddenly appear making her close her eyes and hold her sword tightly

But then the demons voice change and blood splash on giyuu feet, giyuu was surprised but the the demon scream out "blood demon art: universal transportation!"
Then a bright circle surround giyuu making it turn into a portal and she fell down into it. When she had fell down into the portal the blood clouds disappeared revealing that the demon was beheaded and someone else was standing in front of the demon the one that beheaded the demon and turned around and dispear


~At the hashiras meeting~

They were holding a meeting then suddenly giyuu's crow came flying over to them "Cow! Cow! Giyuu has disappeared! I repeat! Cow! Giyuu has dispear!" Then everyone was shocked! How could giyuu suddenly disappear out of no were!? "My children's! Go and look for giyuu! She must be in danger if she suddenly disappeared and her crowd can't find her!" Without a second thought they all disappeared to find giyuu! All worried for giyuu, there crush....maybe even soon to be girlfriend! They needed to find her at any cost


I guess that's all! I just didn't have any motivation and didn't know were or when in the season of mha I should telleport giyuu! Someone will need to help me with that one!😭😭


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